Monday, October 27, 2008

Oh Birthday Girl

You know who you are!


  1. I see AG and I are in a top-post bumping contest....

    Happy Birthday Vonny!!

  2. Exactly. Now can I get some love because I am fucking Matt Damon!!!

    AG is off now for the rest of the week. Research to run, papers to write, qualifying exams to pass, Philadelphia Phillies to watch win at the ball park with my iPhone, the Parade my entire team will be going to if they win, the Jews, etc. etc. I heart my life. (No really!)

  3. cool. I remember when my life had that kind of vitality.

    I love my iPhone too. Total coolness.

    Don't worry, I will hold down bloggery duties round the Empire.

    However, Don't blame me if you come back the posts are a haphazard collection of rants, self-pitying screeds, incomprehensible blatherings about unlistenable music, and very very little commenting. In other words, pretty much the same as all the other posting I've done.

    Oh, and a meme stolen from Jen that is harder than it looks.

    AG, let my Zelmo Go!!

  4. AG! Thank you sooooo much! This is HIlarious!!
    Rotten - Thanks!! It'll be a good year, I can feel it....
