Friday, February 25, 2011

Little Fury Things

Now this is kind of weird.  After the first Fuck You Friday, that doofus Tundra driver started parking straighter.  And then, after last week's rage-blast, Scott Walker has a total Stupid Event on the phone.

It may not change the game in Madison, it may not end the Imperial Walker's reign, but it definitely made him look like the fucking idiot he is, and on a national stage. 

Here we go with this week's Fuck You Friday.....

FUCK YOU SCOTT WALKER AND THE WISCONSIN REPUBLICANS.  FUCK YOU WITH MEDICARE-PROVIDED CRUTCHES.  Fuck you for packing so much shit into that Fake Emergency Budget Bill that it takes the combined forces of Media Matters, The Capital Times, Firedoglake, Scooby Doo and the ghost of Hunter S. Thompson to unpack the stinking foul mess.

Just for starters, you fucking squeezebag, the change to Badgercare from a State-administered program to a program administered directly by the Secretary for Health.  Now, here's the FUCK part, you fucking fuck:  the S of H you installed is one Dennis Smith, a shitweasel from The Heritage Foundation that thinks every state shouldopt out of Medicare and Medicaid.

So Fucking Scott Walker puts a guy in charge of Wisconsin's health care, that believes that it should be dismantled.  I know, I know, it's SOP for Republican turdwaffles.  But Fuck YOU Scott Walker, with Dennis Smith's sun-bleached bones after rabid honey badgers have eaten him.

[EDIT]  Graphic from MIke Konczal showing the overall form of Imperial Walker's budget plan:

Fuck, I have GOT to move on from this guy.  Or perhaps more rationally, he has got to move on from us.  Just go take your fucking sinecure polishing the Kock Knobs already, you simpering dipshit
[MOAR EDIT]  FUCK YOU, WISCONSIN ASSEMBLY REPUBLICANS, FOR RAMMING YOUR PART OF THE FAKE EMERGENCY BUDGET BILL DOWN THE THROATS OF WISCONSINITES.  FUCK YOU WITH EVERY FUCKING POWER TOOL AT THE UNIONS DISPOSAL.  The Assembly's passage of the bill allows them to shut down debate, close the session, and close the Capitol Building, forcing protesters out.

Saying it again:  FORCING PROTESTERS, WISCONSINITES ALL, OUT OF THE PEOPLE'S CAPITOL BUILDING.  OUR HOUSE, as thundra puts it.  I guess the fucking weak-ass Republicans got tired of hearing somebody who disagrees with them.  But I fucking bet if David  "Sweet" Kock shows, up, he gets walked right  the fuck in, because he pretty much bought and paid for that fucking building now, didn't he?  Fucking Scott Walker, Fucking Republicans, and Fucking Useless Rich asswipes who never did a worthwhile thing in their worthless fucking lives since drawing first breath and inheriting their jerk father's endless millions.

Fuck you all with "Wisconsin's" upraised arm thrusting Forward until it comes out your fucking throat.  Rinse.  Repeat.

FUCK YOU FUCKING WINTER.  FUCK YOU WITH THE SWEET DREAMS OF SUMMER AND THE TASTE OF THE FIRST BEER OF SUMMERFEST.  This happens every winter, sometime in February.  Deep into the throes of a week-long deep freeze, knowing that when the sun comes out it will only presage another day of bitter, bitter cold.  Then, 2 feeet of snow.  When it's done snowing, the wind starts to blow - HARD- driving needles of hard snow into your face while you're trying to shovel the drifts out of the driveway.  Snot drips down your face and freezes.

And in the morning, you find it all drifted over again.  Plus, the snowplows have driven 18 inches of packed ice into a dam at the end of the driveway.

At the end of one of these days, there will usually be a news item about several guys who have dropped dead while shoveling snow;  invariably, death is ascribed to heart attacks, but it seems more likely that they just lost their last flickering remnant of hope.


FUCK YOU, MIKE PENCE; FUCK YOU MARYLAND, GEORGIA, SOUTH DAKOTA, NEBRASKA, OHIO.  OR, AS GEORGE CARLIN ONCE SAID, UN-FUCK YOU.  ALL THE WOMEN IN YOUR LIFE SHOULD JUST STOP FUCKING YOU.  Admittedly, a pretty good number of these closeted pricks would probably PREFER that their beards stop fucking them.

 The GOP has apparently decided that this is their last chance to ram through any piece of shit misogynist crapbill they can dream up. Redefining rape, open season on abortion providers, de-funding women's health care, what the fuck have you.

Men should not be able to author these bills. Or vote for them.  Until each and every one of these shitweasels pushing this crap has been raped and forced to carry the resulting child to term.  And inject them with incurable herpes while you're at it.  Oh wait, these assholes probably already have diseases, judging by the decay of their (admittedly damaged to begin with) brains.  Also, as rich jackasses, THEY will always have access to health care and abortion if they need it.

Fuck them with a speculum.  TWO speculums.  HOT speculums.  with sharp edges.  And rusty.


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Dunno.  This was a hard one.  I will try to be more enraged next week.  It's a safe bet Scott Walker will make another appearance.


  1. Maryland senate just passed a gay marriage bill, so maybe just a blowjob for us?

  2. Meanwhile, Georgia wants to shoot Obama, because they're mad the Arizona and South Carolina are passing them in the completely fucking nuts department.

    Where's General Sherman when you need him?

  3. Men should not be able to author these bills. Or vote for them. Until each and every one of these shitweasels pushing this crap has been raped and forced to carry the resulting child to term.

    May whatever god there might be, bless you for this.

    And I'm with you on winter... I say we all scream a collective, "UNCLE!!!"

    ZRM- While I don't believe in wallowing in anger, I do fully believe that FYF has brought new life to the Zombie's eyes!! It's a good thing.

  4. OT- I ran across a discarded chili dog painting yesterday while unearthing my office/studio... It will be winging its way to WI... sending to the office is OK?

  5. I wager that there are more women in Maryland than gays, so hey, all props for the effort, but can you also squash the anti-abortion nuttos?

    I believe you can borrow some big rocks from New York.

  6. sending to the office is OK?

    long as it gets here in the next couple of hours, before the Sheriff's eviction team arrives.

  7. fuck you goat blower!!!
    We used to say blows goats all the time.
    Totally bringing it back.

  8. fuck you goat blower!!!

    What did I do to deserve that?

    Not saying it's not appropriate or deserved, mind you; just curious.

  9. Righteous rage, baby, sing it loud!

  10. I am making my "O" face now. Nope, not that kind of "O" face. My Standing O face. Cuz this was righteous.

    Thank you so much for bringing up the nakedly misogynistic bills Pence and others are coming up with in their fevered, fecal-covered, yiffing nightmares.

    When I say I enjoy this new feature of yours, I'm not just kissing your decayed ass because you're a zombie and I'm afraid you'll eat my branes. I really do heart it.

  11. I've had it with half assed warm winters! When we get some decent snow finally and then every fucking weekend before I get to go skiing, it warms up. or it rains, or it warms up and then rains! All I ask is three fucking months of snow which you wouldn't think would be too much to ask since I live in fucking Wisconsin, but it turns out that, yes it is apparently too much to fucking ask.

  12. Also, ad hominem attacks on Paul Ryan's ears are hilarious to me. There's a reason I call him Paul "Dumbo" Ryan.

  13. Ya think any of Scott Walker's stupid goons are keeping track of me yet?

  14. 77south, you need to talk to Brando, who recently moved out of da U.P.

  15. Ya think any of Scott Walker's stupid goons are keeping track of me yet?

    What ya do if this happens is say you're a Koch brother (because it's obviously criminally easy to convince Walker and his ilk of such things). They'll stop giving you the business and start giving you a blowjob! SA-WEET!

  16. not that there's anything wrong with that, but....ummm, what do you think the odds are that Walker's Stupid Goons are women?

  17. Don't get bogged own in details. Just close your eyes and enjoy it. It's what David Koch does.

  18. that first sign is priceless

  19. kathleen, right? The best part about the protests in Madison as been that the signs are mostly literate, well spelled, graphically competent, and clever. Makes the Teabaggers look even stupider.

    Also, grammar zombies are more relaxed.

  20. OK, here is the question.

    Apparently, since the WI assembly forced through the Stupid Fake Emergency Budget Bill, it is now unamendable. So it is now all or nothing.

    There is a big demo planned for tomorrow in Madison.

    However, I am scheduled to work with high school students on the robot thing tomorrow.

    So. Which one is my moral obligation? Specific, directed help to a small number of students, or joining a large crowd to add my miniscule voice to the anti-oligarch protests? Where are my stupid and meager skills better served?

  21. I'm voting for the protest.

  22. unfortunately, as I review the conditions, I fear my expressed commitment lies with the robot kids.

  23. FINE THEN. my opinions ignored? I shan't be back!

  24. Can we add a "Fuck yeah!" for everyone buying pizza for the protestors?

    It has my favourite topping: righteous indignation.

  25. Sorry about that vs. But as I put it down in written form, it clarified for me.

    FWIW, I feel the same urge you do, and that's why I asked.

    With some luck, Monday seems good. Or Sunday.

    MenD, exactly.

  26. Too late. Already committed to the shanting...which is FAR SUPERIOR to shambling.

  27. I am booing him from here. Fucker.

    Btw, could that asshole be anymore repulsive...with his delusions of grandeur? I've never seen someone be more gleeful about crushing the middle class. God I just loath him. And his weird hooded eyes and goofy voice. Sorry...I just find him disgusting.


    thundra, that is awesome, if true.

    I would expect that restaurant to receive a visit from Scott Walker's Incompetent Goon Squad just before they come looking for me.

  29. Yanno, VS?

    you have a point, This blog sucks.

    Shan't be back.

  30. sweet fuck me, 10 minutes ago my entire house lost power.

    I blame Scott Walker.

  31. sweet fuck me, 10 minutes ago my entire house lost power.

    It's because the big stone head was not happy...

    Also, Scott Walker's kids should be booted out of school.

  32. Shan't be back.I do admire you guys who guys who "shan't be back" your own blogs.

  33. I fear my expressed commitment lies with the robot kids.

    Do not piss off the robot kids.

  34. Ah, wonderful [evil laugh of pain] I can bear bad tidings:

    Someone else is muscling in on your new & popular schtick!! ('Though she seems to have inherited it from elsewhere.)


  35. Oh sure, but does she have a nifty and hypnotic S. McGravitas GRAFFICK?


    I am, however, MOST disappointed in one Monsieur Bastard for not mentioning the cross-promotion.
