Saturday, November 27, 2010

Go To The Mirror

Thankfulness, they say.

well, thanks to all you weirdos who who stop by this poorly-lit section of blogtopia (y!sctp)  and give me undeserved affirmation and conversation.  Don't make me stop this blog and visit you to buy you drinks.

But, of course, you are more than welcome to visit me and buy me drinks.

Hey, I avoided the whole consumerist frenzy in America today, and spent my time picking up dog poop.  Then sending reminder invoices to past due clients, then drinking.  Boy, if that is not a great allegory for America in 2010, I don't know what is.  Heavy on the Gory.

I've re-read some of my posts from 2009, and you know, I wouldn't have thought 2010 could be any worse.  Alright, depending on which way you're facing, and how tight your underwear is, it's a pretty close dead heat.  But you know, it's still tiresome. And chafes.

But hey and what-do-you-say, the thanking.   I thank my family, first and foremost, for not pushing me out on an ice floe.  And I thank the clients I do have, for the opportunity to do a little bit of the work I still love.  And I thank thank thank the musicians that populate my electronic devil devices for the support that enables me to stand up and face the cold grey dawn every morning.

And thanks to the Best Brains geniuses who made us able to enjoy Turkey Day marathons all those years ago, and the tapers who enable us to enjoy them to this day.  I had started a Post-Turkey Day Turkey Marathon, but had it interrupted.

And thanks to Wife Sublime, who once gave me the guitar pictured above, and never hassled me about the fact I never learned to play it all so damn well (and her good taste in not giving me a large enough amp to make that non-talent painful)

And thanks to the hardworking dudes who gave us a functional basement wall:

(mechanical/ electrical work and appliance install by Team Zombie)

In fact, thanks to all those hard-ass bastards who have always managed to actually build the shit I have drawn:

And even thanks to this dumb old orange, leaky-ass dog for letting me know that after I have failed at everything else, I can still fulfill some purpose by taking her for a fucking walk.

And thanks for all the other junk that I forgot to give thanks for. 

So anyway, the iPod is serving up Wooldridge Brothers, and I am out of cola for my rum so either need to switch to tequila or go to bed.  If I manage to invent a bed-based tequila delivery system, maybe I can still make a living.

PS:  I have managed to import an old version of Windows XP into this box, so I can now run four systems simultaneously:  Windows 7, Windows XP, Ubuntu, and Mac OS X Snow Leopard.  So I am thankful that I run a Mac.  Also, the AIA Documents software sucks Tom DeLay's balls.

PPS.  After messing around with both Windows 7 and Ubuntu, I come back to the same question I found myself asking all those weird years ago:  "Why do I want to bother with this crap?"  Seriously, Windows 7 offers me interface aspects that I had 4 or 5 years ago in  OS X.  


  1. Start up The Gimp and give yourself an XWindows environment as well. And find Mame and run old arcade games in another window.

  2. Admiring the time and effort you put into your blog and detailed information you offer!

  3. Andrew Thomas said ...

    Better living through electronics, the McGravitas way.

  4. Have a drink on me!, as some noisy band sang.

  5. Better living through electronics, the McGravitas way.

    is there any other way?

    Anyway, it's better than trying better living through electronica.

  6. Yeah, it's been a rough year, and '11 doesn't seem like it will be any better.

    You've got yer big brane, and a gazillion mp3s, you'll make it through, old chum.

    WV-klitee... no comment necessary

  7. If you install DOSBox, you can play Noctropolis - C for gameplay, D- for acting, B+ for architecture.

  8. If you install DOSBox,

    Come on, an x86 emulator? Sometimes, dude, you have to move on.

    I may even install my old copy of AutoCad LT tomorrow. Holy simmering amygdala, I hate AutoCad. The Windows of drafting programs.

  9. Start up The Gimp and give yourself an XWindows

    I had that treated.

  10. You've got yer big brane

    And bits and pieces of several others....

  11. I wanna see more of your work.

    Also, I want my husband to call me "Wife Sublime" loudly and deferentially in front of other people.

  12. the AIA Documents software sucks Tom DeLay's balls

    Yet another benefit that bastard got that we didn't. Prison's not good enough for him.

  13. I wanna see more of your work.

    Hang around here long enough, you'll be sure to; almost always accompanied by unseemly whining.

  14. I smell gratitude in this post. Why hasn't mikey thrown a brick through this it yet?

  15. probably because of the unseemly whining.

  16. this it??

    I need to go back to bed.

  17. The Empire welcomes all grammatical persuasions, Jennifer.

  18. I'm always thankful for the Zombie and the Empire.

  19. I wanna see more of your work.

    Oooo! Better answer!!

    "Drive through Milwaukee."

  20. "Drive through Milwaukee."

    Need better options.

  21. Need better options.

    over at Sadly, No!, 77South said:

    "I am never leaving Wisconsin. Every sink has faucets for hot and cold water, and four more for ale, pilsner porter and stout."

    Which, apparently, we will not need to share with Mr. Smallfish. Oh well.
