Thursday, July 08, 2010

Couldn't Make This Up If I tried

The no blame game BP thing just never gets old for the scientifically challenged and memory challenged, does it? more...


  1. link has a hiccup (too much http://). Once remedied and at the appropriate site, I note the Hot Potato defense is in play. "What? Having sham emergency response plans in place seemed to do just fine while I was there."

  2. scientifically challenged and memory challenged

    The same crowd that doesn't believe the earth is getting warmer, right?

  3. Thunder, I would suggest so. However, I don't have a confidence interval on that claim.

    Willy, can you imagine if Bill Clinton had said that, "Osama wasn't an issue while I was in office"?

    Just think how the GOP folks would have reacted.
