Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Spotlight

I love that he validates our existence, even if he thinks he doesn't! more...


  1. Just another scared ass Old White Man.

  2. Is he white? I haven't seen his birth certificate to confirm his parent's race? I'd like to see HIS birth certificate, please!

  3. Bizarro Bill lives on Bizzaro world.

    But there's a fiendish scheme behind Rupert Murdoch's FAUX nooze, etc., and such as.

    If you take a right wing corporate newspaper like the Washington Post and fringe looney Rupert Murdoch media and position in the minds of your average Murkan as "right" and "left", it's no wonder the country was so easily sold on invading Iraq.

    Both Rupert Murdoch and the Donald (Graham) have greatly profited from the lowering of the top tax rate since Reagan (666) became president. Even after you throw in the losses from their propaganda rags.

    P.S. and:am our:are ZRM for great grammer justace!
