Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Back in those old, dim college days when I had hope and energy, some friends had a band. Called themselves the Animated Geeks. It was New Wave, it was.

They did a version, however, of "White Rabbit" featuring the GF of one of the members on vox. during practices, the guitar player would hum the lyrical parts, and during one memorable beer-soaked practice, merely shouted " RABBITS!" at the appropriate point, which cracked up the rest of the players.

MenD's recent post about rabbit names (during which he refused to post my visual entry, apparently out of respect for his readership's sensitive natures, which evidences a lack of awareness of just exactly who his readership is. Anyway, in the interest of being as obnoxious as possible, I post my entry below. mission accomplished. Although if I was thinking clearly, I probably should have proposed the rabbit names as "Grace Slick" or "Alice"). Made me think of this.

But as with the cover of "Smells Like Teen Spirit", Patti Smith's version of this made me post about it. The Geeks' version had the same undisciplined rawness about it, led by strong, aggressive vocals and both of them make Grace Slick's version sound like frickin Debbie Gibson.

Anyway, here you go. Drop some acid. Or not:

(Removed for ick factor. replaced with picture of bronze bellhop statue, installed outside of a converted historic hotel I designed)

[EDIT] I get my new eMusic allotment on Friday, and it can't happen too soon. Maybe I will do a new music Random Spew, with NO JOURNEY just cuz Zelmo never comes by anymore. I guess they are working him like a zombie in the threat of losing his job...


  1. What is Lucy doing to that rabbit?

    Also, more Toby, please! He's sooo cute.

  2. do you really want to know?

    Come on, it's a carnivore.

    But the only reason you see a head on that bunny is because I got to it before Toby did. He likes the heads.

    He thinks he's a Great Jungle Hunter. The vicious creature laying just beneath the veneer of the cuddly lap-pets we love.

  3. Back in NYC, I used to see Patti at the Bowery Ballroom for New Years Eve.

    It was her Birthday Party, if I recall correctly.

    Always Rocked. One time she had the Sonic Youth on with her. Best version of "Now I Wanna Be Your Dog" I ever saw.

  4. I lurvvves me some Sonic Youth, ever since a friend gave me a mix tape with "Shadow Of A Doubt" on it.

    "Teenage Riot" made it permanent, it did.

    Seen them twice, first time sandwiched between Social Distortion and Neil/Crazy Horse. That was a LOUD show. The hit the stage and name checked local noise/metal mavens Die Kreuzen before they played a note.

    and then on the Sonic Nurse tour. very different, trippy kinda. I had to miss them on the last tour because some Bush asshole stole mah money.

    I haven't seen Patti, but will move heaven and earth and sell my damn orange dog to Mickey Kaus if I have to if I get the opportunity.

    Why the fuck am I not a musician again?

  5. Gross. If you mean to tell me that he ate that rabbit or planned to, shame on you for 1.photographing it and 2.put it up here.

    I heart you and all, but were you raised in a barn or something?

  6. Well, she would have, had I not intervened. And Toby would have eaten the head, as is his custom.

    Sorry I offended. I guess maybe we're a little closer to our food sources here in the Heartland, so yeah, barns. We are Omnivores, and our pets are carnivores, and Circle of Life and all.

    Anyway, get used to it. Your sweet little kitty WILL kill a small animal, and WILL bring it to you as the alpha animal in the pack. It's what they do.

    Oddly, the neighbor lady loves our kitty because he catches the bunnies that eat her vegetables, and hates our kitty because he catches the birds that she feeds. Predators; whattarya gonna do?

    Anyway, I'll remove the offending image. There is an argument to be made that it's in questionable taste. I've never been accused of being overly tasteful though.

  7. My precious does not go outside unless caged. Thus, her meals are Meow Mix, treats from Dr. Cindy, and crumbs found. I paid 45 dollars at her last vet visit. I am not losing that money to the outside and chipmunk #15!

    Toby can live with AG. Inside mo' bettah.

  8. Toby disagrees with you.

    Although during snowy weather, his outside time is usually brief.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Gross. If you mean to tell me that he ate that rabbit or planned to, shame on you for 1.photographing it and 2.put it up here.

    I heart you and all, but were you raised in a barn or something?

    A story comes to mind.

  11. How about you loan me Toby after you sanitize that body and mouth of his and we'll put this to research. He'll love AG's house. There are plants, kitty baby, music, central air, and lots of girlfriends and Brandeis who come by from time to time. He'll be like my Tamora who answers the door now with, "Oh hai. Here to see me, huh?"

    Fish, the old AG would have the best snark line to that. The new AG:

    "Were you raised in a research lab or something?"

  12. The real question is who was I alluding to?

  13. Again, AG totally thinks it but won't type it.

    Here at the Empire we never ask who or what. Only that you get off the bloomin' yard and don't pet the kitty.
