It's so rare that I find someone who writes what I think and says it nearly as closely as I would say it.
While I can respect that others are different than me and that includes their sense of humor, I am still unclear on the true definition of humor. I find so little funny about female sexuality because for as far as we have come, we've only scratched the surface. I do respect that others will disagree and I appreciate that. I struggle with it, but I know that opposing points, angles and approaches of views are so relevant and I can benefit from taking two giant steps back more often than I do before I fire up my angry AG mobile. (I am sorry, Billy. I totally attacked you in the last thread because I was pissed about the events that surrounded this post. It was unfair to you and our readers. I am a work in progress. I will try harder in the future.) Nevertheless, I still have to wonder why some go for low hanging fruits. I mean, didn't Natalie Wood death jokes and Michael Jackson pedophile go out a long time ago? Two giant steps back. Hmmm. Still very little humor in it for me.
h/t to my Facebook Buddy.
Update: ALBT sent me this. I am in meetings and have the firing squad of the Dissertation Cmtee later today. I will respond later, but go ahead and get started on this.
While Rome burns… oh, wait!
2 hours ago
Thanks for that. apology accepted.
ReplyDeleteI've like Seth Rogan's movies, mainly because I like stoner humor, I guess. But the scene in question is definitely problematic. Maybe he was too stoned when he did this one.
every woman I know who is willing to tell me, has a date rape story, or near date rape, including my wife. Patriarchy indeed, as well as a lot of fucked up men out there.
Men suck. Me included.
I try never to make humor out of sexuality, female or male, but I will make jokes out of sex, because it's a funny damn thing, as is the ways our society treats it. Miss America is just fine, but blow jobs require impeachment. Barbies. etc. Not to mention people look funny when screwing; just ask your dog, looking up at you from the end of the couch with that head cocked thing they do.
we are all works in progress, at least until we stop moving. even then, life moves one, unless you insist on one of them stanky sealed caskets, in which case you explode.
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ReplyDeleteI don't like hacks.
ReplyDeleteJack, I <3 you. Once my life clears from the insanity, I owe you some blog comments and FB love.
ReplyDeleteBilly, I am so sleep deprived and short on time now but will fully respond shortly. What I do know is I am glad you didn't make me sleep on the davenport last night.
I have never been date raped. As prevalent as seems to be, I'm pretty lucky.
ReplyDeleteI've noticed that Seth is getting lots of hate lately in the blogosphere. What scene are you talking about, BP?
I like him, too. And the movies I've seen him in. I loved his cute *way* in Knocked Up. Although I hate that crass phrase and feel weird when I say it.
See? I can't even say "Knocked Up" -- so I don't think any of you ever have to worry about me making a rape joke.
BP? who's BP?
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen the movie, but there is supposedly a scene where Anna Faris is passed out, and he... ummm, takes advantage. Reportedly, he has some misgivings and stops.... Faris wakes and says "why did you stop?"
Umm, yeah, I don't see the humor there either, and from what I hear it wasn't played to accentuate the creepiness either.
heh. I've never heard anyone say 'davenport' since my parents....
ReplyDeleteAG's link up there is interesting. I guess someone who's seen the movie has more ability to judge the thing.
Orange you glad I didn't write "TC"????
ReplyDeleteYeah, don't like the thought of that scene at all. As much as I'm fighting smut talk in this house with a bunch of 17 year old guys -- and as much as I worry about their possible warped view of the world and their roles in it -- that sort of thing needs to be banned.
GREAT! Now I'm scared.
ReplyDelete(I was just able to click the links where my spotty Internet connection wouldn't let me when I first read the post....)
BK and his friends love those movies. I haven't seen all of them -- just a couple.
I think it's time for a family meeting with much detailed discussion. Another possible *teaching opportunity* -- where I will encounter much eye rolling because of my Supreme Dorkitude.
I don't care!