Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Mornings Need to be Moved to the Afternoons

Not the way to start off your day:

1. Staying up nearly all night.
2. Having to deal with frozen car doors
3. Being late
4. Getting your pant legs wet
5. Getting cut off by idiots from New Jersey
6. Not getting to the table quick enough to grab the last of the free bagels
7. Having to go to Detroit in this weather

Seriously. This is not what AG signed up for. more...


  1. I'm sorry, I know I'm partially responsible for the pant leg.

  2. I don't think so Jack.

    The late thing was pillow talk, however. It was in bed with a certain Jewish blogger we all heart.

  3. A male Jewish Blogger? Like, a doctor or lawyer?

  4. Like put your hands together, DG!

    AG is moving on up...

  5. If you find yourself to be the last one out (of Detroit, that is), please turn out the lights. That is all we ask. Sad, really, that a once-great city like that is just laying there, dying.

    An interesting timekiller is here:

  6. Jeff, can I bring you back some Vernor's?

  7. Not getting to the table quick enough to grab the last of the free bagels

