Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just Do It

President-elect Obama is beginning to work AG's last nerve. He needs a year to close the Gitmo? I have to wonder whether our beloved teh teh would be in agreement. I am guessing he would not.

Seriously. How fucking hard is it to move these people to a lovely little jail in west Texas or some fly-over state that AG rarely visits? After we got the warm bodies inside the mother ship, we let the Court deal with them and the crimes they may or may not have committed. Finally, evil incarnates like Bush and Cheney are also sent before the Court for war crimes against prisoners and must pay restitution to the families of those tortured. Despite what the Decider found on the Google, he is not above the US Constitution and he should spend a lifetime in prison with folks like Charlie Manson, rapists, and other sundries for the past eight years of shenanigans.

Seriously, can you imagine if we had let him privatize social security? My 401K statements suggest that was a wise move to impeach that idea.

I want to make popcorn and see a better show than the Oliver North trials.


  1. Where are these shenanigans we were promised?

  2. Butchie!! Tomorrow, love!

    I have missed you.

  3. To be fair, and AG I would guess you have been involved in large, bureaucratic operations also; it's not a matter of locking the door, giving the mailman a forwarding address and dropping the keys in the slot.

    I don't find it difficult to believe that it may take a significant amount of time to rectify the fucking mess created in this particular hellhole.

    I have designed buildings that take ten months to get built, but the elevators have to be ordered twelve months before occupancy. a year for friggin four stop elevator.

    Maybe a year is too long to wind Gitmo down and I know it is far longer than we should want. But I don't know the pragmatics about it and neither do you.

    Not saying, of course, that we shouldn't yell about getting it done faster if we can. It's an abomination .

  4. Cheney and Decider don't deserve the protection of solitary that Manson gets, though. Put 'em in with the general population, let them take their chances.

  5. Hello, Lesley! Welcome.

    Billy, that's complete bullshit. I have had enough of business as usual. It was Barack who said it wasn't just enough to change the players, but to change the rules.

    The prisoners need to be moved into the US. Plain and simple. It does not take a goddamn year to do that.

  6. Well, AG, you see that's the problem.

    Under the laws in America, they can't be held as prisoners, since for the most part they haven't been charged. So they need to be processed.

    Whether they go to a different holding facility or not, they have to be treated based on the laws. Actually, they should have been treated that way before this, Guantanamo or not, but that's kind of the essence of the problem.

    In the end, they are being unlawfully held, and somehow they have to be transitioned into a lawful situation. Somewhere. I can't imagine the bureaucratic knots that have to be untied to do it.

  7. Brandeis needs to rule in on this because the whole thing was farkhata from the start. Does that change the rules of the game? (And BTW, my boyfriend the Rude Pundit agrees with AG on this. Thank you.) Of course him doing so is dependant on him not being busy, actually reading over here and not hating all y'all for being brats and one of you calling AG weird this week and perhaps a Drama Queen (As if! We all know Pinko is way more queenie), actually knowing where his car keys are, aka, not in the ignition, not smacking Rosenberg's small schmecky with a giant burning rod, not just lurking, and backing up his AG!

    If he cannot back up AG, well then fuck that. Move along. Nothing to see.

    Right, so forget all that talk. Can we get a legal ruling on this Snag? K-Unit? Come on -- make your mother's proud.

    And Snag, that requires you to comment on AG's posts!
