Though I do not follow sports in America, the outcome of the playoffs and teams going to Superbowl 2011 has been interesting to follow via others words and thoughts of elation or sourness. Comments section opened to share best/worst comments you have read/overheard/uttered/thought.
News That Will Drive You To Drink
1 hour ago
"What's the difference between Cheerios and the Chicago Bears? Cheerios belong in a Bowl."
ReplyDeleteMakes me wish I had a dog in this fight.
ReplyDeleteSend Lucy, she'll growl ferociously.
ReplyDeleteAnd then want to play.
Much as I enjoy the pain, wailing, and lamentations audible from Wisconsin's southern border, I must say AG, that the Bears actually had a helluva season. They had JAY CUTLER at QB. They won the division, and NFC North is not an easy division. They split the season with the Packers, at minimal scores.
ReplyDeleteThe Packers outlasted 'em, but not walking away like the Atlanta game.
So yeah, it's sweet to beat the Bears to go the big one. But they were a valiant opponent.
Sports are just white noise to me, but all's I know is that whenever the Steelers made a touchdown last night, hubby would make these insane and insanely loud sounds of (happiness?) that sounded like there was a serial killer (or perhaps zombie) at the door.
ReplyDeleteSteeler fan? ooo, he's gonna have a bad night in a couple of weeks.
ReplyDeleteSo the noises will get scarier?!! Oh noes!
ReplyDeleteI go to the pub to watch the games even though I can't be arsed being a fan, it's good for the local economy and for the social life.
ReplyDeleteZRM, I was not against the Bears. I just thought the line was funny. I would have laughed if it was any team.
ReplyDeleteHaven't heard any remarkable comments, I just know I'm rooting completely for the Packers. I am firmly against anything decent happening to Roethlissburger or however the eff you spell his last name.
ReplyDeleteIs there any human endeavor that generates more heat and less light than professional sports? In the real world, the outcomes of these contests carry absolutely no meaning. I admit that occasionally the pageantry is fun to watch and the jock-ularity is often quite amazing, but imagine if we could generate that kind of passion for anti-war demonstrations, or human rights, or simple justice.
ReplyDeleteThe sad thing is, I know Larry is right, but I can't help my love of football.
ReplyDeleteI also hate this Packers team less than any Packers team in history.
I also hate this Packers team less than any Packers team in history.
ReplyDeletewell, that's a comfort. What, you couldn't hate Brett Majkowski?
Larry, passion for sports is what some of us do to recover from the tilting at windmills that is the progressive movement in this country.
Well, that and drinking.
Sort of OT: are you doing ok, zrm?
ReplyDeleteDefine "OK".
ReplyDeleteI sense you're pretty glum--because of my godlike powers of perception! Anyway, lemme know I'd there's anything I can do.
ReplyDeleteCan we start with misspellings?
ReplyDeleteJ/K!!! hahaha!
ReplyDeletewell, that's a comfort. What, you couldn't hate Brett Majkowski?
ReplyDeleteThe Majik Man! To bad he couldn't pull a playoff appearance out of his hat.
And Jay Cutler was on TMZ. I consider that a win for the city of Chicago. We're sorely lagging behind in the athlete scandals race.