Friday, February 11, 2011

another set of teeth

As threatened promised, I am inaugurating a brand new FEATURE here at the Empire, hoping to attract just scads of commenters and become a big time blogger like Atrios or Jennifer.  Or maybe just howl into the darkness.  Anyway, here goes the very first installment of Fuck You Fridays.

Rules are pretty simple; there aren't any, really.  I'm going to unleash childish invective and foulmouthed taunts on a variety of targets that currently are spiking my aggro.  Anybody venturing into the blast radius is encouraged to vent their own bile, mock me for my bad attitude, or post cute kitty pictures in order to get me to CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

First on the braining block:  FUCK YOU RONALD REAGAN HAGIOGRAPHERS, FUCK YOU WITH AN IMAGINARY WELFARE QUEEN'S IMAGINARY CADILLAC.  Reagan is already fucking dead, so you know, why bother with him?  but the near-constant attempts to deify the senile sponge-nugget, in the face of all facts and history, brings his pathetic, knob-gobbling sycophantic followers a prime spot in FYF.  A few facts about this manufactured senile excuse for an elected official:

  1. Reagan raised taxes ELEVEN FUCKING TIMES during his eight years of doddering figurehead performance.  He had to, in fact, to avoid complete meltdown of America's governmental structure, even in the face of insane borrowing. And yes, this is news to Rush Limbaugh.
  2. In fact, he created more deficit THAN THE ENTIRE AMOUNT AMASSED BY THE COUNTRY TO DATE.  He TRIPLED the national debt.  It took a democratic president, of course, to fix it.
  3. Reagan was divorced.  And married Nancy because she was pregnant.  He also never really went to church during his presidency.  Not that I care, but it's an out and out lie to present him as a Christian and/or moral  in anything but name.
  4. Reagan ignored AIDS, at a time when quicker recognition and action could have prevented thousands of deaths.
  5. After his massive tax cuts, aimed at the rich, unemployment jumped to 10 percent. 
I could go on but sheesh.  Just leave the senile old fuck to rot, you moronic authoritarian power worshippers.  Just let him go.  He was only surpassed as a sucky President by GWB, who was likely more stupid, even compensating for the Alzheimer's.   Fuck all y'all dead guy knob-gobblers.

Next up:  FUCK YOU, SCOTT WALKER.  FUCK YOU WITH A WIND TURBINE. WHILE IT'S RUNNING.  True story; last weekend, all the buses in Milwaukee had their reader boards alternating between routes an "Go Pack Go" and one bus we saw even was decked out in full vehicle green and gold livery.  I mused about who paid for the signage, and although I eventually figured the company that did the vinyl signage probably donated it, initially postulated that Walker, on his way out of town, found a couple of thousand extra dollars he hadn't bled out of the County yet.

Because that is the hallmark of his tenure at Milwaukee County executive;  pretend that cutting county taxes by a miniscule percentage was fight for the little guy, although it primarily benefited wealthy white absentee landowners (as it was designed to do) and simultaneously dismantle and destroy County services, which benefit largely low income and poor residents.  Then, things that can't be cut can be sent to private, no bid companies for higher cost and lower service.  And now that the park system and transit system have become a shadow of their former lauded standard, he has moved on to the Big House in Madison, to do the same for our state.

And he hasn't wasted any fucking time, has he?  His first action, taken before he even took the fucking office, was to refuse to participate in a regional high speed rail system connecting Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison and Minneapolis.  Not only does this excise Wisconsin from the financial aspects of this new infrastructure improvement, it caused a rail manufacturer, Talgo, to decide to move their new manufacturing facility back out of Milwaukee;  a facility already under development.

BUT;  just to continue being a squeezebag, he  plans to rollback a policy supporting wind power, which had already started creating good manufacturing jobs in the state.

What a fucking asshole. Fuck You Scott Walker.

Also:  FUCK YOU, DUDE WITH A WHITE TUNDRA WHO PARKS IN THE STRUCTURE ADJACENT TO MY OFFICE; FUCK YOU WITH A BURNING GAS PUMP NOZZLE.  Look, I don't give a shit what kind of oversized penis substitute you drive around.  It's your wallet, and gas isn't going much below 3 bucks a gallon ever again; but seeing as how you and I both share a downtown parking structure that is on the smallish size, IS IT TOO MUCH TO FUCKING ASK THAT YOU LEARN HOW TO PARK YOUR WHITE WHALE BETWEEN THE FUCKING LINES?  And if THAT is really too much for you, howzabout you park one level up, where you can park across two or three spaces with impunity?  Because it is really going to annoy you when somebody gives your thyroidal behemoth a key-stripe job for taking all that extra space in the prime parking spots.

Everybody else that parks there will laugh, though.  Yes, we all notice how you park.  No, nobody thinks you have the right to park like that.  Learn to park or buy a reasonably sized vehicle, you gaseous blob.  Fuck you and your stupid pickup that never has dirt on it.

Finally:  FUCK YOU, ZOMBIE ROTTEN MCDONALD; FUCK YOU WITH A BOX OF ZOMBIE MOVIES. Is it possible for you to be more whiny?  "oh, life is hard, my career is stagnant, I'm ugly..."  And everybody hates you.  Shut up and do something about it.  Sheesh.

Oh, and the zombie thing is stupid and tiresome.  Shut the fuck up already.

In short, FUCK ALL Y'ALL UP ABOVE. more...


  1. You forgot Attorney General JB Van Hollen. Fuck him too.

  2. "oh, life is hard, my career is stagnant, I'm ugly..." And everybody hates you.


  3. I'm sorry... my blog is too big to comment here. Fuck you.


    Sorry... I tried to forgo the smiley on FYF, but couldn't.

    Also, fuck dog poop and its refusal to pick itself up by its own bootstraps.

    And fuck bimler for plastering email stuff all over his blog for unwarranted scrutiny. I shan't be back.

    And... fuck dry winter skin that looks 10 years older.

    Fuck anything else that needs fucking.

  4. I hope you feel better now, Jennifer.

    @77south: O you better believe our AG is in the queue. O yes, Mister JB "Health care for me but not for thee" Van Hollen will be fucked painfully.

  5. ....fuck anything else that needs fucking......

    **raises hand slowly**

    Oh, not THAT kind of fucking...
    oh never mind

  6. Plus, I second MenD's comment.
    No FYF directed at Zombizzle.

  7. You know who else? Mothers. Always with the "wear your mittens" and "eat your brussels sprouts" and "how come you never call?". And what with the guilt trips? Do you collect Air Miles on those? FUCK YOU MOTHERS! WITH CANADIAN ENGINEERS THAT WRITE SHITTY POEMS! ESPECIALLY THE HAWT MOTHERS!

  8. I would like to add a fuck you to Connecticut. Because, well it's Connecticut.

  9. Fuck you for being so funny, zrm. Really, this was a righteous rant and I feel all my BEE-RILL-YANT snark skeetering on outta me as I type this...because...HOW CAN I COMPETE?!!! (SRSLY, really looking forward to these rants now.)

    Also, fuck you in advance for correcting any of my spelling/grammar mistakes. Lighten up, will ya, teach? ;)

    And, finally, fuck you to the anti-fucking young conservatives who are trying to punk Planned Parenthood. Maybe if you experienced a good dicking you wouldn't be such horrible ***** out to ruin everybody else's fun.

  10. Fuck you Victoria Jackson.

    This could be the greatest comedy routine since Stephen Colbert. But it's not.


    Photograph it, send it to the guys who enforce the parking rules. They get to ticket Mr. Tundra, so they'll like it.

  12. well well well well....

    dunno whether it's the relief from venting, or the great comments, or a couple of other nice things that happened (I'll get to them), but I feel....a bit better. Still shambling, though.

    First good thing: I found a copy of one of the BEST EVAR punk compilations: Let Them Eat Jellybeans! I had a tape of this in college, we played it incessantly; eventually the housing was cracked, beer-stained and held together with electricians tape, which made it sound even MOAR PUNK. eventually it wouldn't play anymore, and it's never been reissued. BUT IT EXISTS NOW ON ZARDOZ, MY IPOD NANO. Awesome and annoying to the kids.

    Second: for those in the know, Driftglass and Bluegal (not to be confuzzled with Blue Girl) have been doing a great podcast for nearly a year now; and have been doing great blogging work also. They got engaged and announced it just in time for Val's Day (it's so sweet even a zombie is touched) so the few people that see this blog should go over there and wish em well and if you have more disposable income than the undead, drop a buck or two in their jar to keep the podcast going. Oh, and listen to the podcasts, they are great.

    Anyway, keep the fuck yous fucking coming. I can feel winter thawing!

  13. Photograph it, send it to the guys who enforce the parking rules. They get to ticket Mr. Tundra, so they'll like it.

    great idear, but private structure. Not sure they get to give tickees.

    Will try it anyway. I will send the email from your address.

  14. Photograph it, send it to the guys who enforce the parking rules. They get to ticket Mr. Tundra, so they'll like it.

    I did a similar thing when SUV's were new. We had a lot of developing going on in our neighborhood and a few of the jackalopes could not park their efficiently. They did crazy ass things that only documentation would allow one to believe... plus, they screwed up parking for so many others. This was the city. You don't do that.

    I, at the time, was driving a hand-me-down car... a large, boxy Lincoln Town Car. Hey, it was free, and it was kind of like recycling. Anyhow, I could park that baby like no one's business... unless the SUV posse was in town. Grrr.

    I started taking photos from my window (2nd floor, better angle of the atrocity), and then printed a few out on to post outside telling them if they were going to drive these vehicles, they must learn how to park them. I did not begrudge them their size... I was driving a shirtbox of a vehicle, but still, I could park it and no fuck up other people's deal.

    So fuck them!

    I feel better.

    I also feel better that you now have someone else upon whom to unleash your pent up grammar frustrations upon.

    A comma was needed up there, but fuck that comma!


  15. And fuck me for leaving such a long comment. I apologize.

  16. I also feel better that you now have someone else upon whom to unleash your pent up grammar frustrations upon.

    I begin to think I have been possessed by the unruly and angry ghost of a Catholic school third grad English teacher.... So in addition to all the zombie problems, I've got that.

    I apologize.

    I know there are no rules, but if there were, I am pretty sure apologizing would be against them. Put on the Black Glasses.

    **raises hand slowly**

    How the fuck did I miss that comment the first time around? That's fucking funny.

  17. You didn't even bust me for the extra upon I used! It was a gift!! Fuck you for not taking my bad grammar gift!

    Also, filthbot has overtaken wv lately... I can't even comment on what mine is. It's making me blush...

  18. How the fuck did I miss that comment the first time around? That's fucking funny.

    It was, how did you miss it?!

    Next wv should be fukvon. :)

  19. can someone recap for me?

  20. Kathleen hasn't had a new post up in a while. I'd like to say... f*** Kathleen, but I can't. Someone else will have to.

  21. I know it's not befitting the post... and heaven forbid comments ever stray from the post... but I love Substance. :)

    Also, Grizzled said to say "Fuck Wisconsin!" He had to drive to Melvina last week, forgot to bring music, so had to listen to Cheddar Rock. He's had Billy Squire stuck in his head all week.

  22. I've come to the conclusion that that Walker guy sucks even more than Chris Christie.

  23. Thanks for inaugerating FYF today, because there's some local news a few hours old that really fits the theme. Apologies for the blogwhoring but it's really too long for just a comment.

  24. Fuck the new WI governor and his fucking up people's lives.
    Fuck the NZ National and ACT parties for nose diving our economy into the ground. Hey it wasn't a birdstrike, we did it it ourselves.
    Fuck you very much to the persons responsible for making me unemployed. It is Ok and I am doing fine but that is a pure fluke.
    Fuck Glen Beck for his Al Gore is starting up a Hitler Youth movement. This story is from 1 year ago.
    And fuck the person who fucks around with ZRM's carpark. Get a bicycle moron.

  25. Also good news about Blue gal and Driftglass. I do like their podcasts.

    wv is belly. HAH fucking HAh WV. I've never liked you

  26. Get this/Fuck that

    I don't owe you fuckers anything

    &c. ...

  27. At midnight, this entry becomes Fuck You Saturday.

    Did I just blow your mind?

    Also fuck. Too.

    OMG, the security word is "repig". I'm stealing that.

  28. As in
    "Maw I jest repigged the bacon"

  29. And fuck bimler for plastering email stuff all over his blog for unwarranted scrutiny.


    W/V = "fecesse". It certainly sounds nicer in French.

  30. Fuck working on a Saturday.

  31. ZRM to White Tundra: "Ya gots a real purty tailpipe..."

    Or is that not what FYF is all about?

  32. FUck Tuesday!!!!

    wait, what's going on?
