Friday, February 18, 2011

13 Steps to a New You

well, we may want a bit of a palate cleanser after that last bit.

So here's local Ska Boyz Something To Do with their latest video:

Awesome. Red Stripe, make the call; your next commercial is waiting.


  1. Love it!

    I've had my share of Red Stripes, in Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and Barbados (if I recall correctly).

    Somehow it doesn't taste the same here in Ohio.

  2. As both a zombie and horror aficionado, I thought you might appreciate this. I think it's really cool...and pretty sayud.:(

  3. vs, that's one of the bestest things about Spengler's book; it is chock full of female characters who do not conform to the horror stereotypes of screaming victims, and solely screaming victims.

    And the saddest part is that it is so rare.
