Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Enough of real life.  ENOUGH, I SAY!!!

Itunes threw up a little Mekons this morning, Cockermouth from the most recent album Natural (available on emusic and iTunes).  So the Genius selection responds most excellently:

  1. Luna, Indian Summer
  2. Drive-By Truckers, A World of Hurt
  3. Nick Lowe, Heart Of The City
  4. Elvis Perkins in Dearland, Doomsday
  5. Thurston Moore, The Shape Is In a Trance
  6. American Music Club, The Decibels and The Little Pills
  7. Gang of Four, Anthrax
  8. Mekons, Ordinary Night
  9. Dirty Projectors, Rise Above
  10. Magazine, The Light Pours OUt Of Me
  11. The Vaselines, Jesus Doesn't Want Me For A SUnbeam
  12. The Mountain Goats, Dance Music
  13. Nick Cave, Dig, Lazarus, Dig!
  14. Mekons, Give Me Wine Or Money
  15. The Hold Steady, Constructive Summer
Zombie likey.


  1. Dude, going to see Nick Lowe on Saturday....hoping for a meet & greet....
    I can sneak you in, as the show's at Old Town....
    C'mon down!

  2. Nick Lowe is pretty goddamn awesome- "Mary Provost" is my favorite tune of his.

    Gotta love Gang of Four- listening to Entertainment! while whomping on a heavy bag got me through the Bush years.

  3. The iTunes Genius mix got EVEN MOAR awesome after that.

    Let's just say, Replacements doing "Unsatisfied"? I may just try the same starting song tomorrow.

    Thx fr that, thundra. that was also stupendous.

    Nick Lowe is in town thursday, but i have an appointment for an orange, orb-possessed creature; I also have an invite from a Chicago denizen for a Sattidy show, although we have other personal things looming...
