Sunday, August 16, 2009

Too Tough To Die

Alerted by SadlyNaught N__B to this.

yeah, our mayor will totally fuck you up. He was BEATEN WITH A PIPE, and I'll bet you he's not gonna show up tomorrow in a wheelchair, like Fainting Goat Gladney.

Our new motto is going to be: Milwaukee. Wear a Cup.


  1. "Local knucklehead" is not a station in life to aspire to.

  2. What a sad story. I trust the Mayor will recover and his family too.

    I also hope that this young man who did this receives the mental health care he needs while he serves prison time. It's so sad to read about such a young man filled with extreme hate and control issues. We failed him.

  3. "Local knucklehead" is not a station in life to aspire to.

    Unfortunately, "national knucklehead" pays well and thereby encourages the minor leagues.

  4. I have to agree with Ned B.

    Even though most of your local knuckleheads end up penniless and/or in prison, some of them make it all the way to the Big Leagues and become Congresscritters and Senators.

  5. Another Kiwi8/17/2009 5:22 PM

    Well it will depend on what Knucklehead College one attends as to the fame one achieves but a young Knucklehead with drive and determination can go all the way to the top and end up invading other countries, even.

  6. Milwaukee: Our Mayor Will Kick Your Mayor's Ass.
