Simels at PowerPop hooked me up with this song, go ahead and get it your own self. Yeah it's on a commercial, but hey, these guys prolly didn't get any money the first time around, so it hardly qualifies as selling out, does it?
Anyway, in my eagerness to avoid doing any work today, I came across this comment (at this hole):I guess what interests me about the whole issue, is why does Obama spend so much money fighting this in court if there's not a problem? I've read a lot of Farah's stuff. He's asking for the long form Birth Cert that lists the physician and the hospital. I think he's also after some of Obama's college records that remain secret. Funny the press couldn't manage the same defense of Bush, as well as outrage at all those who went after him, no? Anyway, that's why I find it interesting.
I guess what interests me is that I have here a "Birth Certificate" that I obtained for the purposes of a passport. It looks pretty much like Obama's except it says "Certification" and it's blue. It's valid for every frickin government purpose. why is this not enough for these gomers?
I guess what interests me is how this commenter is unable to understand that Obama is not fighting any of it in court. The Birthers bring a court case, Obama's legal team responds, and the case is laughed out of court. Nobody's fighting, except for the idjits who are unable to come to terms with a black man as President.
I've seen my version of the document this guy calls a Long Form Birth Certificate. It wasn't long, it was a scrap of paper, quarter size, with every thing scrawled in by hand, barely legible, and photocopied several times. I imagine it lists the doctor and the nurse and other stuff, but not in a way that you could actually read. Hardly indisputible, and the idea that one of these would put this irrational business to bed is laughable. I doubt it would be effective in even obtaining a passport.
And...just why does anybody give a shit about Obama's college records? Other than run of the mill privacy providing trumped up justification for claiming the President is being SECRETIVE!!!, what bearing is there on whether Obama got a B or a C in Basket-weaving class?
But beyond that. Obama's mother was indisputably an American citizen. No matter where he was born or who his father was, this makes him de facto and constitutionally an American Citizen. McCain was born in Panama his own bad self. why is this even being discussed? I mean, besides Loud Obbs? And the fact that the right wing has gone full goose bozo upholstered-wall-banging crazy?
But that's not why we're here. We're here to talk. About art. and Life. and Health care. and maybe manage a laugh. And all of this was wrapped up so neatly, so succinctly, so artfully, by John Farr, right here. The man is a WRITER, and you could spend worse time than reading some of his stuff.
So, we'll talk, right? And... maybe we'll manage a laugh.
News That Will Drive You To Drink
1 hour ago
I came here for an argument.
You forgot the fuckin' video with their stupid outfits and the synth-penis.
Great link. Thanks! I learn much over here.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot the fuckin' video...
ReplyDeleteSo you and mikey can bust my chops again for eating an ice-cream cone incorrectly?
Dream on, Bubba-Replacement. You rate for Grannies!
Arguments are down the hall. This is insults.
ReplyDeletesee the fish for sheep jokes.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure we can continue to read your blog unless we see a death certificate. How do we really know you're a zombie? You can't be one unless you've died and then... do you get another birth certificate when you dig your way out of that dirt canal? Pony up, ZRM.
ReplyDeletePonies? Here ya go....
ReplyDeleteLook, I don't care if he was born in Hawaii, Indonesia, Kenya or Whitefish, Montana. Here's my concern, and I think you might share it.
ReplyDeleteWhat evidence, and by evidence I mean irrefutable proof that cannot be refuted by anyone, living or dead, on any basis including, but not limited to constitutional law, historical precedent, racial hatred or acid indigestion, can be provided to support the laughable contention of the Obama cabal that he was actually born here on planet earth?
The fact that he resembles an earthling is in itself highly suspicious, for if your intent was to perpetrate a fraud this massive on the people of the greatest country in the history of measuring the greatness of countries, would you not begin by altering your appearance to appear as human as possible?
I insist that the Obama cabal produce a legally binding government document, unaltered and original, that specifically lists the planet of his birth. Until I have seen that document, his status as president remains in serious doubt...