Friday, July 24, 2009

Armagideon Time

No videos, you whiners.

Mendacious D is on vacay, so go over there and make a mess. curse, bring your pets, link to Ann Althouse, whatevs.

Be aware that Zardoz is a trigger for me.


  1. well, he climbed into the floating head.

    some of us sleep sometimes, you know.

    Plus, I think Jennifer was overcome by dog vomit. Tragic.

  2. ZRM is correct... now the second dog is barfing... and his barf is worse than his bite.

    I also seem to have an unquenchable desire for Tupperware.

  3. You put your dog barf in Tupperware?

    I SWEAR I don't understand artists.

  4. My takeaway from this is that dog barf can be an art form.

    I find this oddly reassuring...


  5. that goddamn site hates me, im sure!

    i've left 3 comments that have gone in the void :(

  6. ZRM - Success! I have something cool for you! Alas, I cannot find your email or real address. Please email me at my hotmail account so I can get this sent out to you! Thanks, V
