Friday, April 03, 2009

Let's Discuss

I waste time reading a blog that is irrelevant. (Kind of like this one.) Nevertheless, one of the bloggers posted this video yesterday:

Another reader and AG took offense to the video. We feel that it lacks on the merits on satire and that is misogynistic. I also find it pedestrian and lame, honestly.

What do you think? Seriously, let's discuss. Fish, there might be porn in this for you if you lay it down for us.


  1. Lame and misogynistic. I think that passes for satire in some quarters, but it shouldn't.

  2. I would agree, MenDee. Thanks for the comments.

  3. new dimensions of suck. Look; we've already exceeded the quota of snotty white boys rapping with the Beastie Boys. Shut up and get back to studying. Maybe you can make up for half of the assholishness being displayed here.

    Yes, I only made it 33 seconds into the video. I may have plenty of free time, but not for this.

  4. What are the women in the video thinking?

    "I hope his check clears"?

  5. Holy fuck, that is terrible on so many levels.

    I know that there's a lot of talk (maybe, maybe too much talk) about how user created content may kill off professional artists blah, blah, blah, but it's steaming piles of YouTube like this that show the difference between the pros and the amateurs.

  6. Awful. And somewhat sad: "Why can't we have bitches too?"

  7. And they can't even sing.

    wv: beekers

  8. Mandos, your comment made me choke from laughter.
