Steve Forbes once and for all proves to the world that he is a self centered cobag with his editorial in the 02 March 2009 edition of Forbes Magazine this week. Inside, Forbes calls upon President Obama to why he has limited future job creation by passing into law Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which eliminates the statue of limitations on discrimination suits. Forbes proclaims that this law has personal injury attorneys chomping rapidly and surmises that frivolous lawsuits will flood the courts over supposed wrongs committed years ago, as memories have gone cold. He takes it a step further by accusing Ledbettter of leaving Goodyear Tire & Rubber in 1998 with a pension and poor job evaluations and then turning around and suing for discrimination in the 1980s.
The first thought that came to my mind while reading this was who raised this callous, arrogant, white boy? It seems to me on broad prima facie this law granted women the opportunity to put some prick’s balls to the wall after a torrid history of discrimination, which is often coupled with sexual harassment in the workplace. (Don’t get me wrong, skirts will screw skirts in the workplace too. However, historically men have held higher positions of power and made it much harder for women to be treated with equity or equality in the workplace. As we have seen with the election of Barak Obama, men of color and to some extent gay men suffer less in the workplace than women, regardless of color, age, or sexual orientation. Women are fourth class citizens with little room for movement.) Forbes plays the usual card – blame the victim vis a vis the peter principle.
I commend Ms. Ledbetter for taking her story inside the courtroom. No small feat there. Her story is hardly original and more universal than most would like to admit but did we not learn from Anita Hill that women do not make up these things and this our not stale memories that have become grandiose with time? The cost of exposure is too high to be worth it to most women who suffer employment discrimination. Women who do come forward, and rightfully so, are heroes and no time limit can or should be placed upon her dignity and courage. Forbes accusations of frivolous claims are both inaccurate and sexist at the very core.
To be frank, I feel for people like Forbes. Such individuals ar people who view discrimination as a means by which to get the job done, a means by which to control those who are not in positions of power, to uphold the patriarchy, and keep the workforce cost of labor down while increasing male bravado. After all, male bravado when coupled with high cost salaries trumps all that is just, fair, and right within society. It is without moral commandment or equality for all. We can all thank these same folks for eight years of the Bush tyranny and for whom we will always vote Democrat because their power has the potential to create mutiny.
One final thought is that I have to wonder what kind of people raised a man like this who is so filled with hate, self righteous right wingnuttery, and ignorance. I guess for me this question is lurking because I had a mother e-mail me earlier this week to ensure that her cowboy was not only a good southern host, but charming, and respectful towards me last week. I guess some Mommas and Papas know what they are doing and the rest are members of the George H.W. and Barbara Bush Finishing School alumni/ae or the 'My child is so wonderful look at him all born Jesus the Jew'. For that, we will all pay the piper. For everything else, we now have Ledbetter to impede their agendas and the big boy club mentality.
Shut-Down Follies, Elmo and the Incels Edition
3 hours ago
I too violently oppose sexism, racisim, or any other type of discrimination. and I'm surrounded by "poor conservatives", that is people with less money than steve forbes who think that steve forbes actually cares about anyone who has less money than he does. i also call these people "dumbasses".
ReplyDeletei <3 AG even more for the label :)
ReplyDeletebut i think forbes' reaction is natural(for rich assholes) - "when the cobags of wall street can fuck up so many people's money, what difference does it make if i screw a couple of women on my way up the corporate ladder?"
Hasn't it been said that corporations are amoral, simply doing what is best for their own profitability?
ReplyDeletePeople like Forbes (many too many of 'em out there) have been raised like, or BY corporations and internalized the same lack of humanity and empathy; nothing remains but a droning, subhuman obeisance to Corporate Godhood and greed.
Look at his eyes once. Nobody home, nobody home, nobody home.
I couldn't <3 AIF more if I tried.
ReplyDelete<3, <3, <3!
The idea that we live in a true meritocracy is one of the biggest myths in American culture, but that myth is trotted out as an excuse to fuck people over who further down the economic food chain. This is pretty much the world view of people like Forbes:
ReplyDelete"If you just worked harder, you'd get ahead. But in order for me to get ahead, I have to pay you a peasant's wages. Sorry about that, old chap. Now buff those shoes until I can see myself."
I don't even think Forbes believes that they can work harder because he sees them/us as plebians who are happy with our lots in life. You know, she GOT a pension, what is her problem?!
ReplyDeleteAt least he's not Tucker Carlson using the Google to find me talking about him and then bring his orange companion and coming down here and firing my tuckus personally!
At least Tucker blinks.