from the eight years of sophomoric bullshit today as we look to Barak O'Boyfriend to gently finger us lube free as we sing and giggle.
Don't you just want to get drunk and dance in the fountains with AG?! Wear a lampshade on your noggin and experience two nipples, no waiting? Think Freshman Streek Week on an AG Amherst coke bender.
Funny story about drinking with the nymphs from the pools of cold water today- AG had tickets for the inaguration*. As many of you know, AG Zaidie was a politician and AG is not afraid to play that card on a rare rare occasion. Especially since connections Superbowl tickets are no longer needed this year. (Fuck you, Arizona. At least your boy toy lost in November. So, we'll give you this.) AG gave them up because imagine AG in DC right now. Go ahead. I'll wait... All those hot Jewish boy reporters, pundits, Hollywood types (The stats suggest the odds are with AG on this one.) and the PhD Rude Pundit running single and carefree through Georgetown. No wives. No rules. AG wouldn't know whether to come, lay, stay, or pray. AG might actually pass Fish up in the senario, especially since AG knows where he lives! Bwaaahaha. It would make Caligula look like an after school special.
*Shut your pie hole. It was my decision to give those tickets up. After how 2008 came to a crashing end with the raping of my soul, I didn't have the dopamine to get off the davenport, much let alone ponder the thought of getting on a train bound for orgy-land without a bra or a smile on.
Blow jobs are on the house today for all except for the Freshman who shacked up with Screaming Chicken during frosh week:
Let the good times roll.
We've graduated. Next stop: Columbia Law School!
Get A Brain, Morans!
2 hours ago
ReplyDeleteOn your knees, bitch. Less talkie talkie. We'll see who is a tease...
ReplyDeleteAnd where is Butchie and the Gaynadians?
Hello. I am not Butchie or Gaynadian. I'm Straightadian. Canaterosexual.
ReplyDeleteAnd AG would like to can-ate-your-sexual.
ReplyDeleteI'm watching with interest.
ReplyDeleteGawkers may send pictures of their schmeckies to adorablegirlfriend at gmail dot com.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of which, where is Fuckles? He still owes AG and Co. pictures of this alleged Wang extraordinaire?
I love when you're horny.
ReplyDeleteI am not. I, unlike, Justice Thomas am indeed a vibrator.
ReplyDeleteAnd you got your smackdown below.
I don't think you are a vibrator. You, I have been told, have a vibrator, but to say that you are one is perhaps stretching the definition a bit.
ReplyDeleteOMG. Reid is grounded from the Internets.
Who told you AG had a vibrator and good gawd, why would you post that here?
You are expected to read iblamethepatriarchy for one week and defend your use of the word, "girl".
Not AG in particular. Women in general are likely to own vibrators, is my understanding.
ReplyDeleteI apologize that that was not immediately apparent.
Off the hook, but you are so getting the spanking that is due to you.
ReplyDeleteAnytime you're ready, not-a-Barbie-doll.
ReplyDeleteAnd no promises what I do with stray fingers while in the region.
ReplyDeleteBrando, not that one, recommends you cut your fingernails first.
ReplyDeleteYay. Fish is here!