Friday, May 09, 2008

Too Many Puppies

my mother in law once had a memorable line, when told of a woman who'd given birth to quadruplets;  "That's not a birth, that's a litter"

The wacky Duggarites (pictured above, complete with little mutant home-skooled Army of The Righteous) are at it again; preggers with number 18.

18!  I know they don't really deserve the attention for doing something most kittehs can manage even without a Discovery Channel Special, but shit, woman, you're like a dog my wife used to have, getting knocked up by any stray just so she could always be pregnant.  The woman above has been pregnant for 11 years of her life.

The only way they can manage to keep up with the work is by outsourcing all the child care to the older Duggar kids.  No really!  It's like a cross between Little House on The Prairie and Dachau.

Yikes.  even with all the purity pledges and blackout of sex talk, no wonder the fundies are outbreeding the humans.


  1. First of all, that poster shot at the top is just awesome.

    Secondly, the "news" stories on yahoo and the other sites just drove me nuts all week. One headline called her "Amazing Mom."

    Uh. No.

    She needs her head examined. Maybe her obgyn can do that at her next visit.

  2. Eighteen precious angels from God and you dare mock?

    I bet I could slip a couple of mine in the mix and they'd never notice.

  3. I would guess they'd notice, Snag.

    let's just say I would guess that yours would just wreck the curve for the rest.

  4. I saw this post and just laughed out loud. I can't believe other people know who this whacky family is! I had read that she was preggers again, and was shocked. Imagine how many kids all of their kids are going to have - shudder - this could get ugly.

  5. If they were an NBA team three of those kids would have to be cut and three of them put on the inactive list.

  6. Whoa.

    There's a woman who needs a hobby. Or Tivo.

  7. My vagina's more like a truck stop bathroom stall.

    Anyway, maybe she can deploy some of her little monstrosities to Iraq...

  8. kewl. Teh stops by the Empire.

    We're Somebody!!


  9. Very nice use of the Sally. Very nice. I cannot believe teh teh stopped by. I heart that dude.

    The whole empire of babies thing is kinda scary.

  10. Doooood, get over to Chuckles. UC left the best comment. He has no idea. I can assure you. None. It's the best comment ever made by UC, who is always, the clueless one!

    And if you wouldn't mind, you could come by RoD and lay some smackdown.

  11. "It's not a clown car" ... good line. I think I'll be using it as my new "applies to everything" phrase. No, wait, that's too serious - truth be told, everything IS a clown car.

  12. Yeah, but most of those kids will reject their parents gh0d and at least a few will be teh ghey. I can also imagine a few of those kids will grow up and refuse to reproduce, having had quite enough of babies. Still, that many kids - one is bound to become a cult leader.

  13. I feel the need to start singing LAY DOWN SALLY
