Thursday, May 01, 2008

Good Advices

I love memes.  I'd probably hate 'em if I got tagged with more.  Anyways, ex-Cooki Queen Jennifer slapped this one on me.  BG also got it and I learn there it's supposed to be a one-word meme.  Oh well, I can never hold myself to one word.

Yourself: shy and reserved
Your Partner: mostly normal before becoming involved with me.
Your Hair:   no significant MPB yet....
Your Mother: remembered
Your Father: missed
Your Favorite Item: iPod.  or Telecaster.
Your Dream Last Night: serene
Your Favorite Drink: The One I Have.
Your Dream Home: The house I'll never own
The Room You Are In: hell
Your Fear(s): heights. Spiders. socks. Republicans. 
Where Do You Want to be in 10 years: New York
Who You Hung Out With Last Night: Lucifer
What You Are Not: subtle.
Muffins: Yarbles
One of Your Wish Items: Harley
Time: In a bottle.
Last Thing You Did: I pooped!
What You Are Wearing: earring. I might or might not also be naked. Your guess!!
Your Favorite Weather: Summer. At Maier festival park.
Your Favorite Book: Liberal Fascism (in the words of Beetlejuice "It just gets funnier EVERY DAMN TIME!!")
Last Thing You Ate: a light snack
Your Mood: gently weeping.
Your Best Friends: reading this....
What Are You Thinking About Right Now: Mr. Inspector Q Crazypants, arch-nemesis.
Your Car: The Red Menace including gratuitous fuzzbucket.
Your Summer: Fest
What’s on your TV: Penguin
What Is Your Weather Like: not warm. not sunny. Not snowing!!
When Was the Last Time You Laughed: I laugh at life:  "Life, loathe it or ignore it, you can't like it."  
What is your relationship status: Tolerated (stolen from Snag without apology).

A word of warning:  Snag's been Tagged.  expect him to bring the Full-Moose Crazy.

It's a one word meme, so obviously, I only need to tag One person:  Zelmo.  Who doesn't have a bloggo, so he can't meme!  Ha-ha!!


  1. In regards to your dream, I saw this on the back of a car last week. I thought it was pretty funny. Maybe it was your car! Oh no... there was no cat on the hot roof.

  2. Worst fear: AG!!!!

    Bwaaaa ha haaaaaaaaaaa

  3. Tagging someone without a blog is like...

    I don't know, it's like something though. Moose without pants maybe?

  4. "Shy and reserved" all right!

    Even though, now that I think about it...some of the bloggers I've met in person -- that you would expect them to be all "Yeah!! Woo-hoo!!" are all quiet, shy and reserved in person. It can be quite the disconnect.

    Your meme answers were good, BP. I was thinking last night that you should've answered everything with misspelled curse words.

  5. . I was thinking last night that you should've answered everything with misspelled curse words.

    fukin Brillaint, BG.

  6. I covet your flower-power Telecaster.

  7. Moose? AG's head hits desk.

    It would be like giving a fish a ten speed. No, not Fish. A fish.

    Speaking of Fish...

    How comes he never comes to RoD? I think it's because he is polishing his gun collection.

    Z-Unit: Rock on with your bad self!

  8. "It happens sometimes. People just explode. Natural causes."

    I once knew a guy who had all of Repo Man memorized.

  9. Just parts.

    "What's your name, kid?"


    "Otto Parts?"

  10. I'm a Bad Man.

    John Wayne was a fag.

  11. Oh, you are so going to be arrested by Res for saying that!

  12. Not if he recognizes them as Repo Man quotes...
