Saturday, April 19, 2008

All He Wants To Do Is Fish

fishing fisking:

Apparently half of the people in the blogosphere routinely perform spit-takes of coffee and/or diet soda onto their computers. I would think this is messy.

Oh, it is. That's why I regularly blog in a full hazmat suit from a waterproofed bunker. That and the AG comments.  Toxic levels.  Plus, I'm naked some of the time, but you have to guess which times those are.  Am I naked now?  

There. Appears. To. Be. Somewhat. Of. A. Breakdown. In. Standard. Punctuation. I. Find. It. Disturbing

Then. We, have-been. Successful!!11!!1eleven!

It seems that some peoples' asses actually fall off when they laugh and people are actually rolling on the floor. This concerns me.

I think I speak for many when I say that I wish my ass would fall off. At least a portion of it.

The rolling on the floor is fun though, and the dog likes it.

When did it become a common behavior to rinse your eyes and/or brain with bleach? This does not seem like a very good idea to me.

You obviously are not familiar with a period of time known as the Sixties.  Back then (as well as  throughout the Seventies and much of the Eighties)  this was called Recreational and considered to be a Good Time.

On an unrelated note, many of the people who were coming of age during this period appear unable to recall much of it.  But I am informed by reliable sources that there is no connection whatsoever.  None.  Have  a drink.  Relax.

There is an odd impression out there that someone might actually read the 5,456 comments on an Atrios open thread. This can only be described as insanity.

I remember when Atrios posts would regularly get 0 comments. This was back before America was destroyed. Good times, good times.

People are under the mistaken impression that cheesy music videos from the late 80's can cause actual harm. I do not know what this means.

This means that video signals in the eighties were quite a bit stronger. Like old microwaves, the radiation had to be broadcast at a much higher level and the shielding was mostly ineffective. This has been found to cause sterility and brain damage and Republicanism in large mammals and small fish. The effect is heightened when the video include primitive video effects, blue screen work, an Omnichord or Casio, hair spray at weapons-grade levels, or males in mascara.

UN Weapons Inspectors have found sites such as Atrios, The Poor Man, Sadly, No and Three Bulls to be in violation of Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties, as well as contradicting the tenets of most major religions and breaking Public Decency laws in many small midwestern towns.  You Tube is being cited as accessory. International sanctions are being considered, citations for spitting have been issued, and it WILL be going on their Permanent Records.

Empire Of The Senseless.  Clarifying the Intertoobz for a couple of hours now.


  1. That's why I regularly blog in a full hazmat suit from a waterproofed bunker.

    I believe Kellie Pickler thought the "screen saver" was supposed to protect her computer from inadvertent spit takes.

    I've found using my computer while sitting in an adult-sized exersaucer (enough room for my non-laughed-off-ass) is helpful. It keeps me far enough away and there's the protective moat/tray.

  2. Now much is making sense. I think you have your acids and bases mixed up though...

  3. sitting in an adult-sized exersaucer

    I totally want one of these.

  4. I could have happily gone to my grave without trying to picture which of your posts was written in the nude.

  5. That and the AG comments.

    That was totally uncalled for.
