Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The World Has Changed

The Democrats are showing hopeful signs of taking their exile from power to heart, and starting their sessions with some positive steps:

And a predictably small minded move from the outgoing Republican criminal class: the 109th Congress is leaving Washington with the spending bills (which, for those of you unfamiliar with how government works, is how the country keeps operating on a day-to-day basis) incomplete and un-approved, leaving them for the Democrats in a transparent attempt to obstruct and slow down the changes that the new Congress wants to institute.

Side note on how the Democrats have turned this to the good: they will be taking the opportunity to axe a whole complement of earmarked pork from the budgetary items. Ahhh! Fiscal responsibility, I remember this. Feels good.

And a final, negative note. Apparently Rahm Emmanuel, head of the Washington-oriented DCCC and slavish devotee to the Clinton-era 'triangulation' strategy, had some knowledge of Mark Foley's behavior, and possibly knowledge of some of the communications. This is not allowable.

Emmanuel is too entrenched in the standard way of doing 'business' in Washington as it is, milking the lobbying system as well as any Republican ever did. He opposed many populist Democratic candidates in the last election, preferring corporate oriented insiders, Republican Lites, most of whom lost (anyone want to say Harold Ford?). He opposed Dean's 50 state strategy, until after the election when it became obvious that it was successful, then was happy to take the credit.

And now it's discovered that he had knowledge of a sexual predator within Congress, hunting pages; and apparently did nothing about it. Shit, he might as well be Denny Hastert. He's got to go. Hopefully, he will be part of a fuller investigation, and face the consequences of his inaction.

All in all, very promising moves from Them Terrist-Lovin' Democrats. And already miles ahead of the Republican rubber-stamp 109th. Hopefully, they can keep it up and show that us liberals have been right all along.


  1. Good for them! I'm taking your statements at face value, tc, since I am currently too entrenched to double check. But it all certainly sounds encouraging.

    Bravo, too, on calling for Rahl to go-- he has indeed become a Washington synchophant. Something to be opposed no matter what the party affiliation.

    One last semi-snide comment. If this congress succeeds in most or all of these efforts it will not prove liberals are correct. It will, however, prove that the Republican Party currently has only the faintest passing acquaintance with what conservatism is all about.

    Welcome back. Sounds like you had a nice vacation.

  2. Well, admittedly they have to deliver on these things- the minimum wage will be particularly hard to slip past a presidential veto.

    I didn't know much about Rahm prior to the election, but Howie Klein at down With Tyranny has been incessant in pointing out the sleazy backroom mentality for quite some time, and the election brought it all to the fore.

    It's fully representative of the behavior that got the Dems kicked out last time, and should have no place after the repudiation of 'business as usual' in the last election.
