Nick W-This morning, the senate Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing on a proposal to suspend or eliminate habeus corpus for American Prisoners. Habeus Corpus - that has been an integral part of democratic government since, oh, the FRIGGIN MAGNA CARTA! That Jefferson and his buds thought was important enough to be written directly into the Declaration of Independence.
America is most certainly not done. Put the forks away. Our Founding Fathers were much smarter and far-sighted than the pack of doofuses (doofie?) currently in the White House. Checks and Balances still exist, and yes, they still work.
They just don't work instantaneously, and unfortunately during the time it takes the system to self-correct loopholes exist that can be exploited. Sadly, bad things often happen before the system adjusts, but it does adjust.
Last week, Republican Senators created a fake compromise with President Bush for a bill that will allow the President (an admitted animal torturer, and demonstrated bully) to decide just what constitutes torture, when, where and how the Geneva Conventions will apply, and gives him the ability to keep this all secret from Congress and the American Public, since oversight will be constrained and voluntary. Not to mention indemnifying him and his administration from the War Crimes Act.
At this point, the only thing differentiating the Bush Administration from Stalin's is the furry hats.
And true to form, the Only Opposition Party We've Got was nowhere to be found. The polling consultants that have helped them to lose all the recent major elections are far too timid to encourage actually standing up for some form of integrity.
Nick, checks and balances don't work if they don't respond in time. If these bills are enacted, forget about it. The America of Jefferson, Madison, and Washington is Gone.
Gone Daddy Gone.
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