Monday, August 07, 2006

Losing It

The frenzy over Joe Lieberman's primary challenge from the Right, and from the Conservatively biased media, is becoming hilarious.

Cokie Roberts today claimed that it would destroy the Democratic Party.

Heh. How does that work, Cokie? Just how does a senatorial primary for the minority party turn into the death knell? Oh, it's because his challenger is so far left? Prove it. They never quite do that do they? It's all based on ad hominem: they say he's crazy-left, so he must be. Well listen to me now and hear me later: I'm Crazy-left, and there's NO POSSIBLE WAY Ned Lamont is crazy-left. He's never at the meetings.

Lieberman's support is coming from Republicans and, College Republicans, lobbyists and rightwing pundits. They've pumped over 10 million dollars to ol Joe, who can't get over the sheer effrontery of the Democratic Process long enough to actually run a campaign.

The pundits have been all over the papers and the airwaves decrying the 'angry left' and the 'far-left' candidate (Ned Lamont)....

Okay, I'd just like to rant a bit about this 'Far Left' idiocy that is constantly being spewed. Political dialogue in this country has moved so far right that John Dean is no longer a conservative. IN that context, the people that are being referred to as "Far Left' are barely what used to be called Centrist.

Progressives, in the form of the Left, have given the country public education, clean water, clean air, Social Security,

The Republicans are happy to have Joe. Ever hear the phrase "useful idiot"? But his constituents, you can call them the American People, are deciding they don't care for his representation any more. Again, it's called Democracy.

Fortunately for Ned Lamont, Lieberman's campaign is being run by the same DC insiders who have done such a bang-up job of keeping the Democrats in the minority position; while Lamont's is being run by 'outsiders'

And that, friends and tomatoes, is what scares the media blowhards, DC insiders and political establishment right down to the flap on their tighty-whities.If the established consultants can be shown up by 'amateurs', if an entrenched incumbent can be unseated by a grass roots oriented campaign, and if the power of the purse strings wielded by Corporate Donors can no longer guarantee an election; then the machine (and, not coincidentally, the right wing K Street Project) which has provided them with such sweet, positions may be imperiled by....Those dastardly Americans! Curse them! How did they get a say in who our leaders are!....oh wait.

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