A newspaper called Capitol Hill Blue (a scandal rag, to be sure) is reporting the rumor, and claiming to have verified with three sources, that when opposed on ramming through the vile Patriot Act, President Bush started screaming; when it was pointed out that many provisions of the Act are likely to violate the Constitution, he yelled back: “ Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It's just a goddamned piece of paper!”
Let's just stop a minute, and look at those words, shall we?
It's just a goddamned piece of paper!
This is the man that blind, hypocritical Republican drones have elevated to the highest office in our land, all but anointing him King; I have seen him called brilliant, a genius, (no evidence actually supporting it). And while the rank and file dutifully march in step, pledging fealty above all else while attacking dissenters like the pod people from Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, this man and his hangers on have been partitioning off and selling the country, and all of our futures, to the highest bidder.
And ultimately, this is what they think of the defining document of our government. That it's just a bureaucratic annoyance to be ignored when it conflicts with their grandiose, autocratic dreams. And then, as Christians, they use their own god's name to defame it.
I know, that at this point there is little hope that most Americans, especially the Proud Republicans will finally be able to see clearly what craven, grasping souls have been running the country with unfettered self interest in the last few years. Most of them, I suspect have far too much self-image and ego involved in the decisions to support the Bush Dynasty to admit an malfeasance, let alone a personal misjudgment; heaven forfend, a mistake!
I don't even care that Bush's shallow, egocentric and abusive traits were plain to see for all that would look; his history has always been one of sneering privilege, looking down everybody else, and plain dislike for any without the foresight to be born into power and wealth.
Bush is such an extravagant greedhead that Hunter S. Thompson couldn't vent the bile quickly enough to live through his administration. And Unfortunately for the rest of us, we won't know just how much damage has been wrought behind closed doors, but in our name, until years after Bush and Co. leave. And we, all of us, will be laboring to repair the damage for long after that.
Goddamned piece of paper, indeed. How can self professed patriots hear this kind of talk without throwing the bastards out of office is beyond me.
But I'm sure Fox News will find a way to pin it on Howard Dean.
Today In Infrastructure
1 hour ago
That post was an invigorating read!
ReplyDeleteI heard about that, and the next time the Court of George II starts yakkin' about what the Founding Fathers want or start their talk of respecting history, it's time to throw Bush's little hissy fit right back at 'em!
Thanks. it was a good vent.
ReplyDeleteIt's totally in character though; just like how Bush avoided active duty, then campaigns as a military hero/genius. it should come as no surprise that for all the hyper-patriotic talk and lip service to American ideals, that when it comes down to the actual foundation of our country, it's held in contempt and viewed as an impediment to be circumvented in any expedient way.
But that's all we've come to expect. What really gets my blood up is that again, no matter how craven and reprehensible the actions, the rank and file will make excuses, attack and smear someone, and rationalize the issue away.
I'm starting to believe that Bush could sodomize puppies live on TV while Dick Cheney and Karl Rove take turns suffocating grandmothers and 40% of the country would say those were Communist puppies; while the TV news would focus like a laser on Howard Dean's scuffed shoes.