Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Flight Of The Frees

Here, you all can comment on this.

I am not even gonna fix the width, because I don't really care that much anymore. Gives people the opportunity to point, laugh, and mock the zombie. Not that an excuse is ever needed.

Also: America is Done. Game over, man, game over.

Furthermore:  Quagmire, ahoy!

Happy zombie happy zombie....

OK, here's a better thing.  Blog post title taken from a Milwaukee musician's prog-rock opus, Trinity Seas Sieze Sees, by Sigmund Snopek.  If I don't have any other effect on the intertubas, perhaps I can help this hard working and talented musician sell a disc or two.  Buy here.   Go ahead.  Buy two. more...


  1. Dude.

    *pushes Prozac through internets*

  2. almostinfamous3/29/2011 1:09 PM

    how did you find out about my workplace?

  3. You have a bright future in torch-and-pitchfork sales!

  4. 402 x 324
    402 x 324
    402 x 324
    402 x 324
    402 x 324
    402 x 324
    402 x 324


  5. Empire of Senseless,

    My name is Barbara O’Brien and I am a political blogger. Just had a question about your blog and couldn’t find an email—please get back to me as soon as you can (barbaraobrien(at)maacenter.org)


  6. Barbara Nonnamuss-

    Umm, you bviously have me confused with someone NOT currently enmeshed in a Spiral of Doom.

    Perhaps you are looking for ifthethunderdon'tgetya? He's famous.

    Also, if you can't find an email? You're a bot, and not even as smart as the one we built earlier this year.

    However, You make me laugh in a bitter, cynical way. Hah. Hah. THANKFULLY, America leads the world in horrible, useless, time wasting marketing efforts.

  7. HOWEVER: I don't wish even a poor old PR-bot to feel spurned, cuz I know how that feels and you don't need to go throwing yourself into a supermagnet or anything;

    So just for you, Baba Nonna, here is a picture of Wil Wheaton collating paper.

    You're welcome!

  8. I want to buy collated paper.

  9. Boo... I am being prevented from commenting as Wil Wheaton.

  10. Harumph. Barbara O'Brien never writes to Riddled. I sha'n't be back,

  11. Shan't be back?

    Kinda like that idea, I do.

  12. Barbara O'Brien prefers the SUBSTANCE.

    Honking is funny.

  13. There should be a contest where you could win a visit from Wil Wheaton to your office and he will collate the paper of your choice.

  14. required: Doom Sprinkles for my ice cream.
