Thursday, March 31, 2011

Called Me Back


Mekons have a new album to be released sometime this year. Zombie waits impatiently.

Zelmo stains on the Bright Eyes/ Titus Andronicus show for this weekend. Nobody is surprised. In further news: Zelmo will not comment on this post, even when called out by name.

Currently, the music HD stands at 188 gigs, 40,908 songs. I have a problem. That doesn't mean you all shouldn't immediately send me gifties at eMusic and iTunes so I can hit 41,000 tracks ASAP.

Currently playing: Nazi Punks Fuck Off. In the time it took me to type that, the song was over.

And since I have been wasting my fucking worthless time reading my archives rather that working on this stupid kitchen plan that the tenant should have sent me six months ago (and is thus now in crisis mode) I have switched iTunes over to the Wa-Ha playlist rather than Autonew. Free Hot Lunch, and most of you are poorer for never having seen them. NOTE: Zombies are visible in some of the stills from that DVD. Hell, we are shown almost as often as the band in the video. Except when we are off getting drinks.

In the meantime, Cloud Nothings:

STILL don't care enough to fix the width.

Also, why do I suddenly have a headache?

Also also, because I am suddenly all Mekons and backwards looking, a quote from days past:

30 years ago, the Mekons were angry young folks, snarling at the world they were born in and the life they were doomed to lead, demanding the freedom to enjoy simple, human pleasures. Now, as middle aged folks, more skilled and experienced, they are still snarling at the at the world and at doom, all the while still insisting that humor and music and art and love are still worthwhile, even necessary, in the face of the void. And that even after all these years, they'll go out singing.


  1. just click on the smaller frame when you chose embed

  2. Yeah, whatever happened to Zelmo. I'm having a flashback of Zelmo cookies now...

  3. "Extra width" is a fine Jon Spencer album. Just sayin'.

  4. That quote applies equally to Roger and the Peacemakers.

    We can't help but love what we love.

    Rock on, mi Zombie Amigo

  5. STILL don't care enough to fix the width.

    Also, why do I suddenly have a headache?

    Answered and asked.

  6. I haven't heard of these "Mekons" before. Are they good?

  7. Nope; they play music like I design buildings.

  8. Currently, the music HD stands at 188 gigs, 40,908 songs.

    /bow down

  9. wv was "batio"

    a patio made out of bats?

  10. a little patio for bats.

    We have a bat house on our people house. Need to build a people patio this spring, since we destroyed it last fall.

    Zelmo? Zelmo? Where'd ya go, Zelmo?

    He's gone forever. Sigh.

  11. Still alive.

    But not sure what to make of the ponytail fetish in the Cloud Nothing video.

    Love the song though.

  12. Does the ponytail force you to put them in "jam-band" pigeonhole, or does the music make them go into "jangle"?


  13. Just want to stop judging the ponytails and listen to the music. Would prefer the image in my head. Damn you YouTube!
