Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wheel In The Sky

A while back, I changed my nym from Temporary Costello cuz the initials were TC, and FUCK TUCKER CARLSON, and fuck if I'm not glad I switched the nym from Billy Pilgrim now, despite  AG's feverish insistence on continuing to use it like an Alzheimer's grandparent who continually calls you by somebody else's name.


"I'm  Dave, Grandpa."

"Get me the Cheez Whiz, Sally."

Fuck BP and fuck the oil industry and we're all pretty well fucked, is all Imma sayin.

Also, you all just oughta be glad I didn't post the "Mr. Roboto" video, regardless of the title of the post, cuz it's playin now and dammit after downloading the first Boston album last week I've got no pride left.


  1. so true. I don't even want to know what hell Zbignew R. McGraw is going to rain down on us in the future.

  2. More Than a Feeling will live forever.

  3. Zmanda Recovery Manager is an effing joke.

  4. I wonder if I'll be dead before the Gulf recovers from this.

    (He typed cheerfully.)

  5. Don't stop believing, zrm!

    We all have our particular cheese that we must own up to- mine is Boney M.'s "Rasputin".

  6. Rasputin is a great song, just like More Than a Feeling.

  7. I like More Than a Feeling. So much so that I'm not even mad that's it's running through my brain like a freight train
    ZRM, please stay ZRM. It suits you. Or does it? I dunno.
    Who the hell am I?

  8. "The shame is owning Boston's second album," Willy said shamefully.
