Jill Stanek apparently has friends. Who knew? This one is almost as simple as her skill set.
J. is complaining about a heap of ills tonight:
...The deeper flaw with the proposal is that it is grossly immoral, an attempt to legitimize the killing of vulnerable people while pretending something else is being done…Whether someone is actually dead is not a "legal detail." And note the expansiveness of the language.
Yeah, that’s called being comfortable with letting your own mortality take over and giving back to the community. It’s the radical notion we have control over our own bodies and lives and that life is about giving to others, not just oneself.
Then he goes onto say:
...It appears that some pro-choice students from our neighbor to the north still can't stand to let a pro-life lecture by Jojo Ruba occur on campus without childish disruptions.
This coming from someone who blogs with a licensed nurse who appears to inaccurately understand medicine and science and espouses said misconceptions daily. Toddlers learn to lie before they learn to sing!
...The trial of Belkis Gonzalez, the abortion clinic operator who allegedly killed baby Shanice after a botched abortion, is set to begin on Friday.
I’m not going to waste my time on illegal abortions. That is the one of the reasons I support legal abortion clinics. What I am interested in though, is why the deceased fetus has a name when the mother was seeking an abortion. Exactly!
After complaining about abortion, time to drum up the moral arguments:
...What I find disturbing is Collins's seeming acceptance that religion is the only basis for opposing human cloning. In fact, it is the least of it. Treating human life as a mere commodity, manufactured solely for instrumental use, quality control, and destruction, is a hugely important ethical issue that extends far beyond religion and into important human rights issues, including the intrinsic value of human life, e.g. human exceptionalism.
Do the words "circular logic" come to anybody else right now?
And before you finish taking a shit, you need to practice the national pastime of kicking the Jews around:
Ginsburg is Jewish, but non-observant, so there is no reason to expect her to attend the mass. But her reason for not joining her colleagues are revealing: While attending a Catholic mass apparently wouldn't conflict with her Judaic religious sensibilities, they do offend her religious beliefs as a member of the Church of Pro-Choice.
The anti-Semitism in calling it the ‘Church of Pro-Choice’ says it all.
Remember, there is no known cure for those who lack intelligence.
The AutoPen Is Mightier Than The Sword!
4 hours ago
What I find disturbing is the lack of care these people have for walking, talking human beings.
ReplyDeleteSend their jobs overseas, their kids off to fight needless wars, throw them in prison, execute them. As long as the profits flow, it's all good to these moral midgets.
What I've been discussing a lot lately is who should decide what is moral. How can it be defined? We all know it when we see it but it applies on a case-by-case basis sometimes and other times on a cultural norm and still others, on a gut feeling. Moral is a spectrum and those on the right side of the reproductive side of the debate wish to deny that.
ReplyDeleteJust saw this. Wow... I can only imagine what's coming next.