Saturday, October 24, 2009

And the Winner Is

And the winner is Snaglet by a Leena with:

Fast, Cheap & Out of Control - Abortion Jurisprudence in the Age of Bush

Snag, let's discuss how you can collect/receive the bourbon. Thank you to all who entered. You have such talent and I may actually go with another choice other than Snag's. If I do this, a second bottle will be awarded. Complaints? Brandeis will be available in comments, as he is required to state, "I am Brandeis and I approve of this message."

Have great weekends. AG is headed south and tropical. Yeah, Mon! more...


  1. I am Brandeis and I approve this message.

  2. That is a pretty awesome title. Well done, Snag, and happy drinking.

  3. Congratulations to me on a well-deserved victory! And congratulations to everyone else who entered - you're all winners in my book.

    Assuming Kanye doesn't snatch it away, my preferred collection method would be the one best suited to sharing. If that requires some additional aging in the bottle, it'll be worth the wait.

  4. Well done snag. I'd go into a wardrobe and drink it all myself but we roll differently down here.

  5. I've got a powerful thirst. Just sayin'.
