Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sweet Home Alabama

I am headed home with an infection, ears filled by a Rabbi who told me that science and medicine has not done anything for America since 1950, three bottles of bourbon, and a sticker to support mountaintop removal.

Yes, Kentucky was all that and a bag of chips!

Photos to follow later tonight after the mother and child reunion.

More photos tomorrow. I am wearing a kitten right now who refuses to move largely because she's tired from crying to her Bubie tonight over the phone. The verdict from Zaidie is that I am a bad pet owner for leaving her. Bubie and Zaidie are coming to visit next month. I love how the pets and babies rule Bubie and Zaidie and I am in the doghouse with them AND the grandparents whenever a little one cries in response to something their Ema has done.


  1. a Rabbi who told me that science and medicine has not done anything for America since 1950

    Cell phones are good for beating people over the head.

  2. We walked out early on Kol Nidre. I refused to listen to anymore of his hatred and ignorance. As much as it punished my love of KN, my personal beliefs on the HH celebrations, and being Jewish, I had enough when he told me I was not a Jew unless I wear my kippa everyday of the week, he loathes converts, and HATES his ex-wife.

    This explained LL's love of AIPAC!
