Saturday, September 05, 2009

Surgical Caturday

The 3.9lbs kitty had surgery this week. Hence, why I am actually home right now. I'll pick her up in a few hours and we'll spend the day together. I'll check her for dents in case I have to take apart the Vet and she'll spend the day doing her usual: playing with her new BFF, Bert.

In honor of Caturday, a few photos that you should NOT try at home:

At birth. First photo:

No, AG did not deliver her. Her Human Momma I (also a blogger) found her that Sunday morning with her brothers and sisters in the kitty condo. I did not pick her out until a month and a half later when Momma I told me she was perfect for me: A kitty AG monkey who shit disturbed, ruled the roost, and covered her face when she yawned. And ever since, we've been two peas in a pod, as my colleagues have taken to saying. more...


  1. No dents.

    A shaven tummy though.

    Oh, and yes -- she's with Bert right now. I called that one. It was all, "Thanks for the $400 Momma. Bert?! Gotta go!"

  2. Another Kiwi9/06/2009 8:15 PM

    Our cat, the fabulous Mrs. Cat, has a teefs appointment on Thursday so we cannot feed her breakfast on Thursday. Ha ha, this is gonna be fun.
    Best of luck for your kitty

  3. yay for kitties!
