Monday, September 07, 2009

Monday Comment Mania

While reading about Annie Leibovitz's situation, I found a unique array of what happens in a comment section on the internet. It never ceases to amaze me the mass array of mental illness, conservative values, and lack of education available via a $29.95 a month dowry and a few prongs in the wall.

Thom said...

Photographers are a squirmy, fussy, anal retentive lot. Truly disgusting. it takes NO talent to snap a damn picture.

Lizard said...

Isn't she the child pornographer, who took half-naked pics of Miley Cyrus?

Terri said...

Were that true so many millions of family photos would not have the heads cut off. Photography is art. It's timing, placement, and an intellegent, compassionate, intuitive third eye. You're probably just really that ugly.

rudewaitress said...

Pay up Lebo. You still owe me that $60 tip you "promised you'd drop off over the weekend".

Dean said...

Just an objective opinion but you would think that with that much money she could at least buy a hairbrush and little make-up!
The big question is why does she need 3 brownstones in the first place?And owns property in NY!Do people really think that if she doesn't pay her debt will just go away.This is what raises interest rates for everyone else.Sounds like she wants to stay a rich deadbeat.Only the little people repay thier debts.

paul said...

What the hell did she need 24 million dollars for?

angi said...

I'm with you....what would she need $24m for? And if her 3 estates are worth $40m, why would they need all 3 to repay the debt? And why would they then want her photos worth $50m if the estates cover repayment? Something doesn't sound right.

And I feel SO sorry (boo hoo) for her having to "possibly" lose her Village brownstones, because we all need 3 places to live!

Dean said...

P.S. If she is suppossed to be so renowned how come no ones ever heard of her until she got sued for theft?

LEBO-who .. she sounds like a dead beat thief and banks are in no mood for her type of FRAUD these days.

Roz J. said...

All that money and not even a half ounce of pretty in sight.

Dorothy said...

She may be financially irresponsible, but at least she isn't an Anne Geddes. Just hate all those damn babies with cabbages and flowers on their heads. It's creepy -- like the pod people from outerspace or something (they're everywhere!).

Ellie said...

Is it possible that she borrowed the $24 million to invest in a scam scheme with Madoff? Then when he was caught, she lost her arse? If she was tangled up with that crook, she deserves to lose everything.

pacrowderholyoke said...

Why doesn't she just sell the brownstones and pay off her debt like the rest of us would have to do?


  1. There are some stupid comments there, and yet I can't say that I am worried about the fate of millionaires.

  2. SMcG, they are not just stupid. They say something about our society. A society that is not growing together and does not espouse fully formed thoughts.

  3. Yeah, but they're commenters who are interested in complaining about a rich celebrity's house troubles. With luck, a representation of a very small portion of society.

    Optimistic thinking shattered next time I'm in a long checkout line of course.

  4. Optimistic thinking shattered next time I am in the long lines at the Atlantic's comments section.

  5. A society that is not growing together and does not espouse fully formed thoughts.

    But when did we ever have that society?

    We're definitely very partisan, but I also think society is starting to relax a little and pull that Gingrich Revolution pole out of its butt. That's why the retreads are screaming so loudly.
