well that was interesting.
Summerfest started strong, loud and hot. Rancid, Matthew Sweet, Dropkick Murphys..... even a little Spoon for the hipsters.
And it ended on high notes too, English Beat and Elvis Costello. And lots of excellent local music, a welcome addition.
In between the high water marks is where the mold grows, however. Clouds moved in, and it started raining. The Summerfestblog showed signs of strain from the outset, balking at updates regardless of what I tried. Finally I stripped out everything but text, but it didn't help. I considered migrating everything over to Blogger, but what a PITA that would be. I eventually threw my hands up, made a couple of desultory posts, and when nobody commented, kind of threw the whole thing into the dumper. Fuck it.
Because in the interim, life was treating me to a harsh lesson in trusting other people. I was engaged by a client to prepare existing conditions drawings of a factory building in Beaver Dam, and design drawings for a conversion to apartments. Unfortunately, I am also in the midst of designing a new apartment building in Milwaukee, and severely short on staff. So, I engaged a local architect to measure the building and prepare computer files of the plans, elevations and sections of the building.
Finally, early last week, I received some computer files. As I started to review them, expecting a limited effort to format them, I started to see that they were inaccurate and too simple, almost cartoons. Essentially and mostly unusable. I found myself looking at the necessity to revise the plans in large amounts, and discarded the sections and elevations, generating them from scratch. The effort had already taken a couple of weeks longer than estimated, and the client was impatient. Hell, he told me I was insane. Maybe so, Bob, maybe so.
So, Summerfest became history for me. As of Wednesday the 30th, my streak of consecutive attendance became sacrificed on the altar of.... what, really? a lousy career. My streak ended at 46 days, somewhat impressive but far from any kind of record. As of Sunday evening, Zelmo and I are currently tied at... one consecutive day.
I spent the end of June and the beginning of July, including the holiday weekend, trying to pull together the drawings that somebody else should have done. I probably put in 100 hours on them in 6 days. FWIW, this is an example of what they should have looked like:
Four sheets of plans, two of elevations, one of sections.
Of course, that put me behind on the other project, which is due by the end of this month. So, I've been getting up early, working on the dining room table on my trusty battered Powerbook, then going into the office and ignoring the phone there, and coming home and working until... O let's see, it's currently 12:22 AM.
It would be less debilitating if the clients would be willing to make progress payments. But this particular client loves to screw the architect down on fees in the front end, demand the full completion of drawings, and finally pay the majority of the fees 90 days after that, financing the project on someone else's credit ratings. Welcome to the glamour of private practice. However, in the current climate, it's obvious to everyone that a developer with project in hand is in the driver's seat, and able to dictate whatever heinous terms they like.
Well, since I used the term:
So, the blog and the family and the sleep and the recreational time and the dog all just gets flushed down the drain. Fuck, I would take a job with another practice in a second, but you know how many design firms are hiring? somewhere between zero and negative 700. Hell, I've even considered calling my first boss, who is a legendarily abusive asshole.
And then today, as if Mama Life was having a helluva time kicking me in the teeth, decided to go for the yarbles when I tried to protect my face. While updating my iPod, ALL FUCKING 34000 SONGS GOT ERASED FROM IT. 150 gigs, all the music I have. Now, don't worry, my entire music collection is on an external hard drive and nothing is permanently lost. But the iPod refuses to re-sync, freezing up whenever it gets within shouting distance of 10 gigs of music re-loaded, regardless of whether I use auto-sync or manual. Might be fucked for permanent.
And, just before Summerfest, I found out one of my oldest, dearest friends had to have emergency spinal surgery to avoid becoming a para, or quadra, -plegic. Because he was unemployed, and anything like preventive care is a laughable pipe dream in the medieval health care "system" we "enjoy".
So, you know, fuck. Accordingly, the zombocalypse has been put on hiatus at least until Sarah Palin completes her meltdown. Cuz that's fuckin funny.
Spring Inches Closer
4 hours ago
Well that sucks.
ReplyDeleteFor my attempt at finding a silver lining, I love (I mean really love) converted factories. I think the old brick buildings have a certain beauty and they make stunning living spaces. Having seen 1 or 2 of the drawings of other projects you have done, I am sure Beaver Dam is going to have an influx of beautiful, hi-end living spaces. If the project goes through, a lot of people will have you to thank.
I vote for lots of exposed brick...
I'm still counting on Passive Zombieville!!! :) It's the future!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry about your rough patch. I'm sorry about Summerfest. Did you at least get to see Foghat??
I'm with fish on the old brick, but then you know that.
Just curious... we're current?? Correct?? We don't wait until the end.
Maybe another program'd wipe the iPod drive enough to get past whatever's going on.
The ipod is steadfastly refusing to load anything much more than 9.2 gigs. At that point, it freezes and just keeps on spinning its sync wheels fruitlessly. I suspect there is something mechanical causing it; I've wiped the pod at the base level using a disk utility, and it constantly freezes at the same point. weird, frustrating, and kind of voodoo. I fear it's over for this one, so I need to arrange for my seventh iPod. The pissy thing is that this one was a 160 gig, and now the largest they offer is 120 gig, so I will instantly be unable to have my full collection on my pod. Guess I'll have to sacrifice that yodeling, and the Journey.
ReplyDeletefish and Jen, the buildings have plaster on teh interior walls, so exposed brick at teh interior is out. But there are some great structural elements that can remain exposed....
The project is a moderate income tax credit financing project, so they will not be high end units, but rather have some limits on rents so they will be affordable by working folks. Kind of the best of both worlds. very nice new construction, and provided for moderate income families. Not a subsidization arrangement though.
Otherwise, I have no idea what Jennifer is talking about. Current? Did I miss a Zardoz?
Sorry to hear about your tough row to hoe, ZRM.
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize that tax credit projects were still getting done at all.
As it happens, I've been up to the Detroit area two times in the last six weeks for underwriting inspections. And I am headed out Sunday evening for a Monday morning inspection in Wisconsin. All these are for LIHTC tax credit deals that got done in 2005-2006, and are finally complete and ready for their permanent loan conversions.
Now the only thing happening on this front is FHA financing, which is a very different process (slow, slower, and slowest, and not as much money to get things done).
I don't think there's much future in my employment here in Columbus. But I'm not sorry, it's a miserable existence.
Hey ZRM, I second the suckiness that which fish first mentioned. (I have no idea if that makes sense. I am tired.)
ReplyDeleteLife's tough right now. Totally stinks. Try to keep a good attitude. It can't suck forever, right?
...And Jennifer's comment sounded like code? Like she's buying contraband from you or something. lol
I love real plaster too. We gutted a 1900 townhouse in South Boston and the contractor brought in all these Irish plasterers to do the walls. They finished in a day and it was a thing of beauty. When we moved to the DC area, we put on an addition to our house, I told the contractor we wanted plaster and he just laughed at me. It was a sad day. We got crappy drywall and it took them 3 days.
ReplyDeleteBG- ix-nay on the ontraband-cay! :)
ReplyDeleteGrizzled is a plaster junkie and will do his own if need be.
I am sorry to see this post. I am sending wishes your way.
ReplyDeleteYou gotta know people to find plasterers, fish.
ReplyDeleteIt's easier to get drugs, most places.
ReplyDeleteHeh. I've been there with the drawings. Only, since I'm a structural engineer, it's when I get backgrounds from an architect I've never worked with before and I realize that I never want to work with them again.
i would tell the jerkwads at the 'genius bar' to fix the ipod or face the zombocaplyse! that's really harsh though... my 30GB is now showing signs of giving up the ghost, and i dont know how i would deal with that
ReplyDeleteDamn. Just DAMN.
ReplyDeleteI officially swear off any and all whining for the entire week. While there are MANY things to whine about, from unemployment to the recalcitrant and objectionable girlfriend's husband to the people painting the condo complex in which I live, I think I will maintain a joyful and joyous outlook, drink good scotch and make delicious food this week instead.
And hey, as soon as you decide to go get another Cupertino Life Enhancement Device, but BEFORE you actually do, pull that puppy open and see if you can just drop in a new 1.8 drive. Not sure about the logical format or drive connectors, but once you decide it's headed for the dustbin, why not give 'er a go?
Sorry about the lousy times. You might try my strategy of inarticulate rage. If that doesn't work, I've always got a couch, a refrigerator full of beer, and the ability to find tickets to some good show somewhere.
ReplyDeleteHeyall, thanks for the good wishes. Nice to hear friendly voices, even if they're from imaginary digital friends.
ReplyDeletemikey obviously overestimates my electronics skills.
Snag,I've been working with ARTICULATE rage. Maybe I'll try it your way, and when I get teh replacement pod, throw the old sucker against a wall. a HARD wall. Or maybe go the Enhanced Interrogation route, and run it through the drill press a few times.
In any case, I believe it is a bad idea to invite zombies in.
Inviting a zombie would be a bad idea for most, but I've been dead inside for years.
ReplyDeleteDude, that sucks. AND I bet bits of you are dropping off in embarrassing places.
ReplyDeleteIf zombpocalypse is canceled do we need the garlic? Only we could be making salami out of horses, you know?
ZRM - I'm sorry things are majorly sucky!!
ReplyDeleteI'm not far, I could hop on a train if you need someone to kick some asses up thataway....or to buy you a beer or 10.....you let me know!!
Grrr - people suck.
Hang in there!!