AG's definition of hubris:
An ex being served a restraining order for bothering the AG written by the current adorable boyfriend.
Gawd, I love dating an attorney, a hottie, a Jew, an academic, and a doctor.
AG is due back in about three and a half weeks after Net Roots. Look out because AG is coming back full force with photos, stories, and some video action if y'all are a good captive audience.
Wall, Brick, Another
14 minutes ago
eh, by that time my plans should come to fruition and the entire internets will be blowed up.
ReplyDeleteBlowed up real good.
I once had a roommate who dated five people at once.
ReplyDeleteIt didn't turn out well.
I once had a roommate who was five people at once, and that turned out equally poorly.
ReplyDeleteI will see you in Pittsburgh!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm going to quit the whole dating thing. It never seems to work out too well for me.
Shayera, that's the spirit girl!
ReplyDeleteSnag, I would imagine so.
ZRM, you wish. I, unlike others, date one person at a time. I find it makes me a mensch and suitable for a Jewish life. For all others, there is the hell and after world.
ah the AG stories are always the best. safe travels!
ReplyDeleteHell, I have been known to date five SPECIES at once.
ReplyDeleteThe downside, apart from previously uncategorized diseases and the occasional passion-fueled attempted homicide, is almost negligible....
mikey, you need to check out the sheep hallucinations over at fish's place:
Hell is for children.
Okay, Pat Benatar, based on my observation of my kitty and goggie, Hell IS FOR BUNNIES!!!