Thursday, January 29, 2009

Into Every Life a Little AG Must Fall

Totally borrowed (without permission) from an e-mail AG received earlier today:

We've been talking about a hypo where an attorney general does a quid
pro quo with a SCOTUS justice for a vote in a case - is the justice
immune? Is the attorney general? Blah blah blah - but people keep
referring to "the AG," and it's all I can do to keep from giggling.

Where is the love from the rest of y'all?


  1. What!?! I gave you and the WORLD the sweetest, cutest, most precious Little AG of them all!!!

  2. How did you turn ALL the text green, AG??

    Don't break my little bloggo, girl!! It is lame and I don't post much, but I've grown attached to it!!

  3. Sorry. What color do you want it back to? I was working with the delete comments which is no longer an option when BGR upgraded in 2007!!!!

  4. I did think of you the other day when reading an article that was talking about our Attourney General's office and kept referring to it as the "office of the AG"...

    I kept imagining that you were being stalked by the political paparazzi... :)

  5. I don't know, girl. Normally the text is black. The green is fine for the sideblog, but for the posts, it's a puker...

    AG for AG.
