Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A wise man and a wise woman

A few days back, I got a nice little email from the Cookie Queen, hinting at another Holiday Collaboration with Neddie Jingo. She dropped a couple of tantalizing hints about the song they were pulling together...

But knowing that NJ has great appreciation for XTC, I was not at all surprised to see them pull this one out. Despite coming off a sore throat, BG truly Godzilla'd all over the vocals, and Neddie added all the reverb and bells (literally!) necessary to make it soar. Truly the best they've done (so far!)

I really don't have anything more inspirational to say than that song already does. Feel free to dl it, it's DRM free until they get that massive record deal.

Be at peace.


  1. Was never the same after Joel Hodgson left.

  2. Oh, BP! Thank you, thank you, thank you! And a million times, thank you again.

    I hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas!


  3. picky fish is picky.

    Joel's days had a certain backyard, garage quality; when Mike started, some level of professionalism crept in, and the stoner humor diminished....

    I can't see that as necessarily a bad thing.

  4. some level of professionalism crept in, and the stoner humor diminished....

    I can't see that as necessarily a bad thing.

    I cannot reconcile these two sentences.

  5. I love the sweaters in that clip.

    And Joel and Mike were both awesome, just in different ways.

  6. Don't try and be reasonable, Brando, we've got a flame war starting up here!

    Somebody is WRONG on the internet, by gawd!
