Really Late, Better Than Doing Anything Productive Friday Random Musical Spew, Yes I've Had A c Couple Of Drinks Already So Fire Me, You Bastard, Zelmo Never Drops By Anymore So I'm sending His Address To Snag So Snag Can send His Minnesota Children To Zelmo's House Edition. Of Friday. Music.

well, I've finally more-or-less recovered from my hangover, and I discover that Barack Obama still won. For a couple of days now, I woke up thinking it was a dream.
Having said that, I will be first out of the gate expressing disappointment with the Failed Obama Administration. His selection of Rahm Emanuel indicates that contrary to all the best advice from Rightwing pundits, he will not be governing as a Republican. This indicates, of course, his radical leftward slant, which is totally out of step with America, including all 62 million people who voted for him.
Seriously, I don't know about Rahm. I've always hated his centrist, triangulating, Republican Lite tendencies, but am willing to concede that his skills in herding cats may be a useful counterpoint to Obama's conciliatory impulses. Tell you what; I am willing to give him until January 21st to fix everything. If not, that's it I'm voting for Newt.
So anyways, the iTunes has been playing all day, but I'm jumping right in:
1. Chesea Hotel '78, Alejandro Escovedo. After his brush with death, he released the required introspective album, and this is off his rocking follow up, Real Animal. A review of his life in SF punk bands and other parts of his music career. He played much of it during his appearance at Summerfest, and from what I hear it really worked better than Lucinda William's later set.
2. Mating Call of Gray Treefrog. North American Frogs. This is a great nature disc, of froggy sounds. each one is just a few seconds, introduced by some guy who sounds like a voice actor from Ren and Stimpy. The noises sound like something horrible created by a Moog. On random, they fit into my music wonderfully, and usually make anybody listening got WTF and wonder if they're having a flashback.
3. Is This It, The Strokes. Another Next Big Thing But Not Quite. This album is pretty good, but sounds much better on a single song basis in random play. I never even went for their second album and they're probably all working in IT now.
4. Point of Know Return, Kansas. Sheesh, yeah, you read that right. Fuckit, I'm not apologizing, I like Kansas. Ummm, but the lyrics work better in Michigan. If you know what I mean.
5. Trigga Hiccups, Menomena. umm, yeah. Like a japanese DEVO playing Genesis covers.
6. Who Will Be There, Ziggy Marley. Yes, I saw Ziggy. At Summerfest.
7. Certain Kind Of Girl, The Producers. Power Pop heaven for me and Zelmo. sad that he won't be here to see it. Sigh.
7.5. Problems, Ziggy marley. I've got iTunes set to be more likely to play songs by the same artist. It works over an eniter day, but can be a problem if it gets stuck on Styx or something.
8. Bicycle Spaniard, Cracker. Near-prog. David Lowery is never content to work within a narrow genre, and bless him for it. CVB's recent performance at Shank Hall was much better than Cracker's at Summerfest, but I'm not gonna hold that against him. Summerfest is a tough gig.
9. I Ain't The One, The Angels (Angel City). I've got an unexplained fondness for this band. Of all things, my younger brother turned me on to them way back in the day, and they have a tendency to try and walk a fine line between punk and metal. The music comes closer to AC/DC in some ways, but the lyrics of alienation and disgust are totally punk. And since it's completely unlikely to come up on the frickin radio, I like it. A US tour is extremely unlikely, and since McCain didn't win, I probably am not emigrating to OZ.
10. Final Straw, REM.
11. Vicious, Big Country. Ill-considered cover of the Lou Reed song.
12. Wild Youth, Generation X. Almost the last time Billy Idol made a difference. Certainly the first time.
"Wild Dub" is even better!
ReplyDelete1. Spanish Harlem Incident - Bob Dylan
2. My Back Pages - The Byrds
(my iPod seems to be on a Dylan/Byrds kick all of a sudden)
3. The Odessa Staircase - Del Rey & The Sun Kings
4. Behind Mountains - The New Bloods
5. The World Turns All Around Her - The Byrds
6. Eric's Trip (Home Demo) - Sonic Youth
7. I'm In The Mood - John Lee Hooker
8. Slip On Through - The Beach Boys
9. Finding Solutions - The Heartless Bastards
10. Place To Be - Nick Drake
Tell Zelmo the kids are on the way. Five-day delivery/
ReplyDeleteI love kids! Especially with Hidden Valley Ranch!
ReplyDeleteI think I saw North American Frogs on tour last year when they opened for Rush.
ReplyDeleteI loved that show, it was so frickin' wild. Especially when The Frogs came out and did a number with Rush. Totally mind blowing.
ReplyDelete(and off-topic fyi for the ol' billy pilgrim: Where the i Divides is now playing at the Jazz Estate every last Sunday of the month starting around 8:30 till 11. Come down if ya want.)