Keeping up with the kids (a day late, a dollar short, and researched and studied out at PENN):
What is your favorite thing to wear? It depends on who is looking at what I am wearing. My Lucky jeans, Anne Taylor Jacket and Anne Klein zebra shoes. I always get game with the outfit.
Last meal you had at a restaurant: Five Guys. Sweet, sweet, sweet burger delights.
Name one thing that scares you: Losing my Mother. I need her now more than ever.
Who was the last person in your bed? The hot Investment Banker. And AG is not saying a word. Not. One. Word. Chuckles response: AG!!!!!!!!! La. La.
What were you doing at 7:00am? Sleeping. Please, bitches. I do not need to be upright before 10 AM. Especially since I got me a promotion and now I am Queen of Medical Affairs.
Last person you hugged? The hot Investment Banker. It was a loooong week.
Does anyone you know want to date you? Yes. Many. Where do I start? Including this hottie named Avi, who is waaaaay toooo young for me, but becoming a doctor at PENN.
When was your last encounter with the police? Three years ago when I was pulled over. Though, I recently hugged a cop... Not. Telling. Evah.
Have you ever driven without a license? Sure. Whenever I go running with ACB (at least three times a week), I don’t bring my purse.
What time of the day is it? Just about Lunch. We are having a fancy work lunch since JW is in town. Yummy Thai.
Who/What made you angry today? Nobody. My life is fantastic. I have nothing to be angry about, at least publically.
Do you want anyone? It would be easier for me to share who I don’t want.
Do you like birds? Sure. I love giving the bird at least daily.
Do you download music? Hello?!! I have a Facebook account, know how to blog, have an Apple iPhone, and know what h9 means. Do the damn math.
Anyone want some Barry Manilow?!!
Do you care if your socks are dirty? Gross. I wear clean socks everyday. Except when I have on my flip flops. Then no socks, but very super clean feet.
Opinion of Chinese symbol tattoos? Lame. There was a West Point cadet, who my Bubie loved, who went to school with AG sibling. Dumb ass got one. Bubie’s response, “How long have you been stupid? Do you want to come home in a body bag?” Four years later he wrote Bubie a sweet note and committed suicide a week later. Very sad. We miss you, Yoshi!
What are you doing tonight? Going to a Halloween party. Anyone want to guess what my costume is? I get to wear a wig and I am sooo wearing if for the cute boy afterwards.
Do you like to cuddle? Yes, with hot Jewish boys who are adorable, interesting, not Momma’s boys, and loving.
Do you love anyone? I sure do. Love is a wonderful thing.
Whose bed did you sleep in last night? Last night, was my house. I sleep better there during the weeks except Wednesday nights.
Have you ever bungee jumped? No, but I have jumped from a plane.
Have you ever gone whitewater rafting? I did this summer and it was soooo much fun.
Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you? I am the Queen of Daddies. Daddies love AG. Loooooooooooooooove AG.
How many pets do you have? Other than boy toys and the Rabbit Pearl, none!
Have you met a real redneck? My cousin’s husband at my Bubie’s funeral. Dear Gawd.
How is the weather right now? A brisk autumn day in sunny Philadelphia.
What are you listening to right now? My colleague lay client smackdown.
What was the last movie you watched? Sex and the City. Once a New York girl, always a NY girl.
Do you wear contacts? Two that make my eyes sparkle.
Where was the last place you went besides your house? Dupont Children’s for a Junior League meeting.
What are you wearing? Gap thong undies and a see thru bra from Victoria’s Secret.
What's one thing you've learned this year? Alaska is next to Russia. They share airspace.
I learned that I do not have a brain tumor. Thank Gawd. I am still losing my hair though. Damn protocol from DUMC. They promised me I won't lose it all.
What do you usually order from Starbucks? An apple fritter (if nobody is looking) and a tall Tazo chai latte skinny. Then I use my coffee-house name of “Aimee” when they ask for my name. It has to be spelled oh so right and my clients all love the Aimee story when they experience it for the first time.
Ever had someone sing to you? I’ve had many a boyfriend sing to me. My favorite though was Bubie.
Have you ever fired a gun: Does my sibling’s snap gun count?
Are you missing someone? Other than my grandparents, no. I have all the right people in my life.
Favorite TV show? Weeds, Ugly Betty, and Samantha Who. STFU. Shut. It. Now. I watch Internet TV and I am a PhD student, still working full time, I am training to run the NYC marathon next year, and I am in love. What do you expect?
What do you have an obsession with? All things Jewish, except certain peeps. I am also obsessed with foreign travel and apples. I am sooo into apples, apple picking, kinds of apples, etc. right now.
Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb? Vonnie said I looked like Mary Cherry. I have also been told Meg Ryan. No ways! Sandra Berhardt. No ways! And the daughter on Once and Again. Sorta.
Who would you like to see right now? Realistically: my sorority sisters from Hawaii. I miss them so much and they are all having babies right now. Unrealistic: Bubie, Zaidie, Grandma, and Grandpa. I miss them all sooo much.
Ever had a near death experience? Yes. Today when someone almost hit me in the parking lot. I also thought I was going to die when I was mugged in 1995 and the mugger made us turn and run. I was literally prepared to be shot in the back.
Are you afraid of falling in love? No. I’ve made that mistake before. I know how to love being in love with the right person now.
Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to? No. I usually get caught after the fact.
Has anyone you were really close to passed away recently? You all know that.
What's something that really bugs you? People who are Republicans, foreigners working in the US (who take jobs Americans want and CAN fill), bubble gum, know-it-alls, and Barbara Loe Fisher. I really really dislike that ignorant woman.
Taco Bell or Burger King? AG hearts a big meaty Whopper. Have at that comment, Chuckie-love.
Next time you will kiss someone? I am hoping tonight!
Favorite baseball team? The New York Yankees and anyone who serves up the Red Sux. Hello, Devil Rays!!!
Ever call a 1-900 phone number? No. AG has cute perky ones. Why pay for the cow when the milk is free to this blonde, blue eyed girl who is tall and losing weight!
Nipple or Nose rings? Nipple rings. La. La.
What's the longest time you've gone without sleep? The night before the wedding. Hence, the drunken drama that transpired.
Last time you went bowling? On a date. We had a good time. I told him the next day I wasn’t interested. I feel bad.
Where is the weirdest place you have slept? Underneath a table in an RV…
Who did you last speak with on the phone? I spoke to my admin a few moments ago.
What does your last received text message say? “Cannot wait to break in my new bed with you. Loving Philly. Call me!”
Somebody got his drink on at a bat mitzvah and decided to drunk text his cute blonde…
What's the closest orange object to you? A clinical protocol that my colleague informed me I had to get in construction worker orange!
State Of The Shithole Nation
31 minutes ago
What does h9 mean??
ReplyDeleteBarry Manilow?!?!
ReplyDeleteAG is a fanilow. Deal with it!
ReplyDeleteAnne Taylor Jacket and Anne Klein zebra shoes. I always get game with the outfit.
ReplyDeleteAren't those shoes considered game?? I still like them. I shouldn't, but I do.
They aren't made from zebras. Just some polyesters had to die for my sins.
Annie, I cannot give away all my secrets. You sign up for Facebook girl -- AG hooks you up on urban dictionary lingo!!! You can meet AG bloggers and real friends. And that is only 1/2 of the friends AG has. AG hearts the FB!
ReplyDeleteOooh, by real friends, I met those who are not bloggers.
AG is so banned.
ReplyDelete....ummm, how do I do that?
If I have to help you ban me, it doesn't count.
ReplyDeleteThat means I have been banned from like seven sites now.