Sometimes, an image can capture the entire zeitgeist of the campaign....

I hope to see this picture in every newspaper and magazine. It is a pixelated horsehead in McCain's campaign bed.
EDIT: Also:

zombie blog lurches back into life.
Sometimes, an image can capture the entire zeitgeist of the campaign....
Posted by
zombie rotten mcdonald
11:55 AM
zombie blog lurches back into life.
You could have watched the entire debate without sound and Obama would have had an even bigger win.
ReplyDeleteI know McCain has physical issues that stem directly from his being tortured, but some of the stuff he was doing, well it was almost torturous to have to watch. I can't take 4 years of that.
I especially liked the eye-bugging moment.
ReplyDeleteThe split screen is not Johnny's friend. On one side, calm cool - presidential. On the other: grimaces, scorn, that ugly old-man grimace masquerading as a smile, eye rolls, and blinkingblinkingblinking....
And, of course, Joe the facking Plumber.
I found myself rather distracted by the tongue dart-spittle suck thing he kept doing.
ReplyDeleteThe blinking was insane. Have you ever noticed that you can't watch someone blinking that much and not do it yourself and then pretty soon you feel like you're having a stroke...
Have you ever noticed that you can't watch someone blinking that much and not do it yourself and then pretty soon you feel like you're having a stroke.
ReplyDeleteuhh, no.
Have you seen a doctor lately?
Oh come on! You have too!!! It's like someone having a bat in the cave and trying really hard not to look, but you can't help it and you just STARE AT IT and the next thing you know, you're trying to not pick your own nose.
ReplyDeleteWatching McBlink made me run for my moisturizing eye drops.
I have never heard that one before. I usually call em nose goblins.
I'm honored to have supplied your euphemism laugh for the day.
ReplyDeleteI think the above image may need to go up on the fridge or somewhere else I can see it often. It says so much, plus, makes me laugh.
For a minute I couldn't figure out what the hell the bat cave was doing in that comment. I thought maybe you'd finally flipped your twinkie.
ReplyDeleteI think you should do a Snacktator tableau of that scene....
Actually, Twinkies are going in next week's scenario should the Snacktator gawds be with me...
ReplyDeleteAs for flipping my Twinkie... that happened once I moved to the burbs, m'dear.
HOWEVER! My Twinkie has not flipped as fully as McGolam's.
I like when he did the big eye roll-ey thing. Seriously, this man wants to be President and he stomps and huffs like that?!!! What is he, five and just lost at Candyland?
ReplyDeleteEven the Republican Jewish New York hottie with the his fancy trust fund and even fancier job is voting for Obama and thought McShame makes America look bad along with his little Ms. Get Knocked up and Drop out of School Baby Mama. And Todd is a tiger too...
As you were.
AG has got Red Soxs to watch take another beating and celebrate her Phillies and fancy WS tickets.
La. La.