Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Hole in The wallet

Cost of Deep Tunnel in Milwaukee:  $1,000,000,000.

For nothing but death.  Fiscal Responsibility Republicans my ass.  And those fool Democrats who supported them in haste, ignorance, and fear.  I think we may have to start with Feingold and Tammy Baldwin and build ourselves a new congress.

I start the New Year with a fresh, overflowing case of bile.

UPDATEE:  At the current rate, it's TWO days in Iraq.  Can't impeach these MFs fast enough for me.  Plus, the Republicans should be penalized Five Congresscritters and a Presidential Term to be named later.


  1. And it's not even the New Year yet. So much for a week of optimistic cushion. We didn't even get the illusion.

    When I think of all of the good things that could have been done with that money...

  2. Jennifer, I can't even START thinking along those lines.

    Being in the construction industry, having knowledge of what it really costs to build stuff at the same time aware of the state of the infrastructure....

    I veer between violently ill and crying in frustration.

  3. Try and look at the bright side. At least your bridges aren't falling down. Yet.

  4. I hate the world somedays.. The anger makes it palpable.

  5. That's true, Snag; however, we DO have the distinction of having tainted water, years before anybody else in the country. Killed a few people too.

    Actually, now that I think of it, we did have a free way overpass fall down: Or at least it fell several feet, and had to be blown out of the sky so it could be rebuilt.

  6. How nice that we've reached a point where we, residents of states traditionally viewed as "places that work" can trade horror stories of people dying.

    The problem, not to put too fine a point on it, is the fucking assholes in charge of things.

  7. Y'know pilgrim, YOU, and about 10,000 of your neighbors and ME and that many of MY neighbors have been writing to our congresscritters and reps for several YEARS now about impeacing these criminals, and it AINT HAPPENING. BTW, I followed you over here from a comment at GroupNewsBlog. Nice outfit ya got here!

  8. Snag is correct. Again.
