Friday, October 12, 2007

Peace And Noise

HUGE shout out to Big Al, The Goreacle. I'm sure the Nobel will make plenty of winger heads hurt, if not go 'splodey today. But the reality is that ONLY IN AMERICA is the fact of Global Climate Change doubted in any meaningful fashion, and largely as a result of a FUD campaign orchestrated by the BushandCheney administration. As a result, America is posing a huge roadblock to achieving any meaningful impact on the damage being done.

Plus, Joan Jett totally kicked out that Replacements song up there. Plus John Doe. It would only have been better if he was holding a chili dog.

  1. I'm Friends With a Working-Class Black Woman from the album "The Neal Pollack Anthology of American Literature" by Neal Pollack
  2. Puddin Time from the album "Frizzle Fry" by Primus
  3. American Woman from the album "Alternative Tentacles Records Presents Apocalypse Always" by Jello Biafra w/ Randy Bachman, Chris Houston and Garnet Sweatshirt Jello still rocks the revolution.
  4. Devils & Dust from the album "Devils & Dust" by Bruce Springsteen Nobody ever expects Springsteen to crop up on my playlists.
  5. Cracking Up from album "Munki" by The Jesus & Mary Chain
  6. When We Collide from album "Invincible Summer" by Lang, K.D. How the hell did I end up with a kd lang song? I mean, it's okay and all, but I don't have any of her discs, and I don't remember ever getting any of her music. One touch ordering on iTunes is a hazard, I guess. Speaking of which, I used the iPhone to download the new Joan Jett release (based solely on that song up there, yes, but what are you going to do?) and it worked pretty slick. Just synced right back to my computer. Tech that works is a pleasure.
  7. Me And The Devil [Live] the album "200 More Miles: Live Performances 1985-1994 [Disc 1]" by Cowboy Junkies That's actually a great follow up to the kd lang.
  8. Who Needs Love from the albuestination Universe" by Material Issue It suddenly occurs to me that I don't listen to enough Material Issue.
  9. Piggies from the album "Farewellve (Disc 1)" by Oingo Boingo Loud, loud, loud.
  10. Here Come The People In Grey from thbum "Muswell Hillbillies" by The Kinks An oldie for Nick.
  11. Green Green Grass Of Home from the albume Executioner's Last Songs, Vol. 2" by Kelly Hogan Old country, about death and cheating.
  12. Beat Surrender from the album "Compact Snap! The Jam Succumb to the beat, surrender.

Yo La Tengo tonight.

whew. That's some f'ed up formatting right there. Sorry. Don't know what happened, and it's just surreal enough that I kind of like it.

Oh, and finally - TWO wetsuits?
Yanno, it just works better to admit your kinks as part of your person, learn to accept yourself, and find a like-minded partner. Safe, Sane and Consensual would have saved this guys life, for what it's worth. Sweet Chocolate Jesus, are there ANY non-repressed Republicans?


  1. Joan J. is so 1982. Not even 1992!

    She's sadder than a chili dog.

  2. Dare you to say that to her face.

    Dare ya!

    Punky rock with a Replacements cover NEVAH goes out of style. And John Doe is my daddy.

  3. How'd you get Yo La Tengo to come to your place? I like them, but not hours and hours of driving worth.

  4. that's not true, 47% of indians don't know about global warming and the rest are divided whether it is human-caused or not

  5. AG, Henry Rollins says Joan Jett rocks.

    Rocks!! Hank would know.

    aif, American Indians, or eastern Indians?

    Yo La Tengo were fine, albeit mostly subdued. But it was in the new aquarium, so it was cool, and the wine was good.

  6. Man, I love Frizzle Fry. Primus was the last concert I went to. I looked around, realized I was at least 15 years older and 4 inches taller than everyone else and decided it was time to hang it up. Too late for my hearing though...
