Monday, July 30, 2007

Moving Solves Everything

Inspired by a comment on another blog recently about typefaces, I ordered two CDs from CDBaby: Couch Flambeau; and thy came today. So we're jamming on the classics "I Don't want To Be An Eddie" "I Wanna Snow You" and "We'll Go Through The Windshield Together" today.

Saturday Morning, as I was lumbering around, getting ready for my workout and just generally lolling about, some bright 'n' chipper guests came by the front door. You bet- they were Witnesses, concerned about the condition of my hypothetical soul, as always.

It being my house and my time they were intruding upon, I answered the door in my underwear, because a pair of pants was all the way upstairs. I love doing that.

I will say this; they're getting used to that. Although they still found a reason to shove their broadsheet propaganda in my hand and hit the bricks pretty quick.

Well, that was a pretty good start to the weekend. Nothing like shaking up some overly moralistic scold whose own life is just so gosh-darned perfect that they cannot resist telling other people how to live.

And I won't get into the pyramid scheme nature of religions that rely on birthrates and proselytizing for brand expansion.

So on Friday I skipped the music thing, and NOT ONE PERSON noticed. Of course, this means one thing: Now I WON"T STOP doing them. Stubborn like a mule, got it from my mother.

No time to do the Random thingie though, or at least no time to blog about it. I was busy getting this:

Up and going.

It's a hoot. It's a huge advance over a cell phone, and having seen a client or two with a Blackberry gadget, it's a LOT more usable. It's like all the extras on a typical cell phone: you've got them, but hardly ever use them because they're a PITA to use.

Sunday we took Lucifer for a longish walk, down by the Milwaukee River. Since the dam was removed , the River has narrowed considerably, exposing a fair amount of flat river's edge, and we walked along that for a while. Lucy, being stupid as a bag of rocks, ran towards a bike and collided with the front wheel, then wondered how come her leg was sore. Idiot. Otherwise, she had a riot racing in and out of the weeds and running off leash.

Further along, we walked across the new pedestrian bridge, which is a nice crisp piece of modern design. About two thirds of the way across was Dolores Umbridge who, when Lucifer sniffed gently at her leg, Shrieked "WHY is that DOG not ON A LEASH!?? ALL DOGS MUST BE ON A LEASH IN THE PARK!!!"

Recognizing insane authoriarians when I see them, I merely said, "I apologize ma'am" and leashed the dog. I did not say "Because we weren't planning on running across any insane rule fetishists today" neither did I say "Here's my phone. Feel free to call the police. I'm sure they will be thrilled to stop whatever they're doing to come down here and cite me because you are too rude and snappish to ask us nicely to leash our dog, who hadn't harmed you or been a nuisance in any way". No, we moved on, and when we got below the bridge, unleashed our dog in her clear view amongst the underbrush by the River again.

Learning from Snag to always use learning experiences when they present themselves, I pointed out to the youngling that by responding politely, I left old Dolores with no reasonable response, while her screeching left her indelibly etched in our mind as a witch.

You know, though, she was right. The City has a leash law. However, the far part of Riverside and the River Trail are unacknowledged Dog Parks, providing everybody behaves. For the most part, everybody is reasonable. If their dog can be trusted off leash, they are, otherwise people keep em on leash. The police and everybody KNOW, you see, that in areas like this the leash law is a Nuisance Law, designed to be able to take care of people when they can't control their dogs. Not the case here though; Dolores is just wound a bit too tight.


  1. My Republican uncle is a total dog leash fascist. I think the strain of being a republican these days is too much for most people.

  2. More and more "NO DOGS ALLOWED" signs are disappearing, as more municipalities realize that dog walkers can help monitor public parks and discourage ACTUAL illegal activities. The lakeside park near me just became dog friendly, allowing dogs on leash. Off leash is still an unpopular concept, due mainly to a few dog owners that cannot control their pet. There is an unofficial off leash dog park down by me also, and I have never experienced any problems.

  3. I am suffering from severe phone envy (SPE).

  4. I know more people than dogs who need to be leashed in parks.

    How's the phone service on your new toy? That's the only thing I've heard grumbling about but don't know whether those are real complaints or just whining for its own sake.

  5. It's a funky little toy, hard to put down. Missus pilgrim would barely give it back.

    reception has been just fine, but we live in a city. Haven't tracked it outside of town yet.

    It includes wi-fi, and will join a local network if available rather than use up the data network allotment, which will help keep the fees down; especially since Milwaukee is going citywide wi-fi now.

    You hear lots of complaints about the price, compared to gadgets that perform similar functions; but I find it like the iPod in that respect: yes there are cheaper devices that offer similar functionality. But actually USING those features is a trial in perseverance, dexterity, and memory, while on the iPhone it's all just point and poke. A feature you don't use because it's a PITA might as well not exist.

    Overall. I like it. It's already become a lot more prevalent in daily life than my previous phone, for the calendar if nothing else. But textiing is sooooo much easier.

  6. I should have used the laser beam function to burn of Dolores Imbridge's feet back there on the bridge.

    Oh yes, of course I bought the laser beam upgrade.
