Where so many great writers have already expressed the loss, I am hesitant to throw my paltry words into the pile; but sometimes, you gotta write, you know?
Blogger Steve Gilliard of the News Blog has died.
I guess it doesn't come as a huge shock; regular reading of the NewsBlog would reveal that he had been in the hospital for some time, and although there were positive reports, when the updates went black I feared the worst was not far away.
I first read Gilliard when he was part of the Big Orange Kos Machine. He had what others are describing as a 'take no prisoners' style. I preferred to think of it as Passionate. He brought a fierce intelligence to his writing, never assuming his readers were anything less than his equal in intelligence; and he challenged you to keep up. Sometimes, I thought, he brought a sarcastic edge when he felt he was explaining something self-evident; but he never held back.
Eventually, he split off and started The NewsBlog, which slowly became one of my daily reads when I realized that every time I did visit, I found something worth reading. A vital mix of national and international affairs was the mix of the day, with a fair amount of New York thrown in for spice. It wasn't until I was a regular reader that I realized he was African-American. The veil of the INtertubes, for good or ill.
My regret is that I didn't comment over there very often. I usually felt a bit out of my depth; he and his commenters maintained such a high, fierce tone of comment that is hard for me to hit regularly. Most of the times I commented was when Steve would (intentionally, I am sure; whenever he felt things were just a bit too quiet) initiate a Mac/PC flamewar. Gilliard had a bone-deep bias against the Mac, but eventually would admit that he uses a Mac too and remains unimpressed; but when the temperature would die down would, more often than not, admit that his beef with Apple is primarily their advertising. After a couple of these, it became obvious he did it for chuckles as much as anything.
Regret, though, because after reading some of the tributes out there, it's obvious that by not being a regular commenter, I missed the opportunity to better know him. Again, with the carpe diem, but that's how it goes; if you don't take the opportunities when they present themselves, that door closes.
And all you're left with is regret.
Best wishes to his family and friends, and a fond farewell to Steve Gilliard, the kind of guy who sees a Mac/PC flamewar as entertainment. Peace.
Bad Marketing, Cont.
1 hour ago
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