Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Death Where Is Thy Sting.

I know Nick will chide me for hating, but if I'm a bad person for this, I'll find a way to live with it.

Satan finally cashed in his contract on Falwell. DingDong the witch is dead!

I refuse to think of this heartless bigot as a man of God.

As Dr. Squid puts it over at the Sadly Place: "I would just like to say that Larry Flynt outlived Jerry Falwell.

That’s justice."

Falwell Was happy to constantly claim that people like me were going to his conception of hell; Since I don't believe there's an afterlife, I only wish there was a second or two, drawn out for eternity, when he was able to come to the realization that he will not be going to heaven after all. Even better, both of us are wrong about the afterlife; the moment of realization when this sanctimonius fucktard realized that he was going the other direction would have been priceless.

The Carpetbagger Report has collected many of his repugnant soundbites in one handy, easy-to-retch location. Here's one standout piece of swill:

“If Chief Justice Warren and his associates had known God’s word and had desired to do the Lord’s will, I am quite confident that the 1954 decision would never have been made…. The facilities should be separate. When God has drawn a line of distinction, we should not attempt to cross that line.”

Plus one that's just ballsout goofy shit: "Falwell describes global warming as a conspiracy orchestrated by Satan, liberals, and The Weather Channel." I don't mind being associated with Satan, but The Weather Channel? - ewww!.

See ya Jer. Wouldn't want to BE ya, Jer. Now, let's all ignore him and his pseudo supremacist acolytes for ever.


  1. I guess that means we aren't allowed to make fun of his porkish ass then?


  2. Oh, by all means, Chuckles.

    Mock the Pork.

    Mock the small penis, indeed, if you will.

    Mock the piggish expression and high pitched voice if need be.

    God may not be mocked, but Falwell was so far from God that even God only had the faintest whiff of knowledge of the man.

  3. Well, you shouldn't be hatin', that's true. I was just listening to Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End, interestingly enough, and you should always remember that "In the end, the love take, is equal to the love, you make."

    But I shan't miss Jerry. He was a blowhard and a buffoon and his brand of Christianity tends to make a mockery of most of Christ's teachings.

  4. I won't miss him, but I won't bash the dead. OK, I won't bash the dead, non former Republican presidents.

  5. I won't miss him, but I won't bash the dead. OK, I won't bash the dead, non former Republican presidents.

  6. Tinky Winky waves a great big Tubby bye-bye, and says see ya in hell, Jer.

  7. It was the first time I ever really wished there was a hell...
