Monday, June 19, 2006

A Fierce Pancake

Another indecipherable title reference, another meme to steal!

We all know that I can't resist the stupid memes. they're like beer to a Homer for me.

This one doesn't have a cutesy name, at least; stolen from Mac at Pesky Apostrophe.

It's just called A to Z.

accent: straight up Midwestern cowtown. Doesn't sound like an accent to me.

booze: Well, primarily beer. Good small local breweries preferably. Mainstream brews like Miller and Bud? ewww. I also like white wines, and have a soft spot for jinnantonnyx on a hot day, or rummencoaks. And good teguila, without the salad.

chore I hate: Paying Bills. And cleaning gutters. Because that involves ladders. See Phobias below.

dogs/cats: one dog, one cat. One guinea pig. Many fish.

essential electronics: Good God, the IPOD! My niece lost hers just before she graduated; I couldn't imagine even participating in public life if mine was gone, until I could replace it. I left it at the office one day and could barely sleep that night.

favorite perfume/cologne: Nothing. I like light flowery perfumes (on women, mostly) but my wife is allergic to most of the commercial fragrances, so I tend to be very sensitive to them; Lighten up on the fragrances, folks. A little goes a long way.

gold/silver: Silver. And copper. Copper is a much maligned metal.

hometown: Suburb of Madison Wisconsin. Madison is a good liberal benchmark, although the suburb I grew up in? Not so much. I don't go back.

insomnia: Almost never

job title: I run my own business, so I could be anything I want. CEO. President. 3rd degree Master Head Peon. Chief Bottle Washer and Stamp Licker. But I've never really been one for titles, so I just stick with the professional appellation Architect. It's the only title I really want.

kids: One, and he just got his Black Belt in Taekwondo last Saturday so don't make him angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.

living arrangements: Own our house on Milwaukee's East Side.

most admired trait: Tall. I'm tall. And I've got great hair. But it's grey.

number of sexual partners: Not many.

overnight hospital stays: Tonsil removal when I was fourteen. Sleep apnea test a few years ago. That's it, not even when I concussed myself running a minibike full speed into an oak tree as a kid.

phobia: Heights. Which makes it effin' hilarious when I have to do a building facade inspection.


Half of life is fucking up - the other half is dealing with it.

Want a good body? Work at it. Want to be a success? Work at it. Want to be truly exceptional? Be a touch insane...You need a little bit of insanity to do great things.

I like it though. Love it. Confrontation. Tension. Adversarial relationships. More please. It’s the only time it gets real.

Go without a coat when it's cold; find out what cold is. Go hungry; keep your existence lean. Wear away the fat, get down to the lean tissue and see what it's all about. The only time you define your character is when you go without. In times of hardship, you find out what you're made of and what you're capable of. If you're never tested, you'll never define your character.

- all four from Henry Rollins

“I haven't failed- I've found 10,000 ways that don't work.”

- Thomas Edison

Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.

- Mark Twain

“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”
-Isaac Asimov

“To announce there must be no criticism of the president, or that we
are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only
unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American
-Theodore Roosevelt, Republican, president, veteran

“Enjoy every sandwich”
-Warren Zevon

religion: atheist, small A. It's not a religion, so it doesn't get a title. Once the Godtrip no longer does it for you, it's an adjective, not a noun. It's not the same thing, is what I'm saying.

siblings: One older brother, one younger brother

time I usually wake up: 8 AM

unusual talent: I can draw. Is that unusual? It's not common, I guess. Most people draw like a seven year old. That's usually because they stopped drawing when they were seven. I never stopped.

vegetables I refuse to eat: asparagus. I'll eat things like broccoli when it's in Thai food.

worst habit: Let's start a list, sheesh. I guess the worst is sloth. And the bonus is it's a Deadly Sin, too!

x-rays: Teeth. And my foot when I broke a toe in Taekwondo.

yummy foods I make: I should probably cook more. I make a decent jambalaya.

zodiac sign: Please. I don't believe in God, but I'm going to believe in this tripe? FWIW, it's Scorpio. One site provides descriptions:

1. is analysis, refinement, and discrimination seeking perfection and purification of the self. This is the sign of the craftsman.

The house where your sign rules is where you will be challenged to analyze your feelings in a practical, unemotional way. Here is where you can serve others in a quiet, unassuming way.

2 . is intense emotional power probing and penetrating into the unconscious; seeking the power of transformation at work in ordinary reality; seeking to accept all that is frightening or overwhelming.

The house where your sign rules is where you will be challenged to completely transform your life. You seek control in this part of your life and can be manipulative and secretive.

3. is eccentricity and radical individuality seeking freedom of the soul and communication with the group mind.

The house where your sign rules is where you will be challenged to seek new knowledge in order to break down old ideas. Here you are very much ahead of your time.

4. is self-expression seeking confidence, ease, and honor in the social world.

The house where your sign rules is where you will be challenged to “shine”; to apply the positive, creative qualities of your sun sign, and find a sense of inner peace.

Okay. Now you tell me which one of those applies to me, and which one is Scorpio.

Well, that was fun. At least I made a Monday post, and that's not very common.

Oh, and hey- I've got Summerfest tix for anyone besides Silent Mike able to ID the title ref. Without Googling. A couple of years ago, even Google wouldn't help, but the INternet IS, and it GROWS. Actually, I owe Silent some tickets anyways, so he counts too.

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