Monday, June 26, 2006

Don't Quote Me On That.

Some of the best writers can use simile in a way that leaves you with an indelible visual, and instant comprehension of their meaning. Other writers can put together a phrase that hits you like a stick to the funny bone, making you choke on your food and spew soda on your monitor, humor that hurts.

The Rude Pundit hits the mark today with his opening paragraph:

Sometimes following Republican logic is a little like watching a ferret that just got into a meth stash. You're watchin' that twitchy fucker spin all over the place, and you wish that it'd just die already and get it over with instead of breaking all the glass in the apartment and bleeding and shitting everywhere.

I guess they were against withdrawal from Iraq before they were for it.

Go read the rest, as always, it's good. And foul.


  1. Okay, that's a vivid visual, I'll give you that. How accurate the simile is... well, I guess that depends on your perspective.

    Anyway, my point here is to ask-- are you going to be at the Ray Davies show on the 2nd? Because I'm reasonably sure I am-- and I think you owe me a beer.

    Let me know-- either on the blog, here, or at my blog email.

  2. A good example will be Rush spinning his new drug abuse arrest. Speaking of meth-addled weasels.

    As far as ray Davies goes, I'm not sure. I've got Nine Inch Nails tix (which will be a bit of a whiplash, eh - NIN to Ray, but That's Summerfest). It worked out better when they had Davies later.

    I've set up a Summerfest Blog here that shows my schedule:

    If you look at the 2nd, there's a bunch of stuff I might go see. But we'll try to swing by the Ray Davies show and search you out. The Classic Rock stage is right next to the Marcus, so we should be able to get there.

    I'm really bummed to have to miss Soul asylum.
