Thursday, February 09, 2006


Washington under Republicans.

Tom Delay.

Extortionist. Indicted Money Launderer. Illegal Gerrymander-er (coming!) Swindler and general Money/Power whore.

Bug exterminator.

Kicked out of the House Leadership position because of his... (ahem)... legal difficulties. Yeah, facing several consecutive jail terms is a bit of a difficulty.

But not for Republicans. It's apparently a badge of honor, a sigil of respectability and mark of Righteous Responsibility.

Get this. The R's have, in their 'wisdom' and greed, appointed this savage fuckwit to
significant positions in several important committees.

come on, you moderate Republican voters, this appointment is nothing but a big FUCK YOU to the nation at large. If ethical behavior is truly a concern, Tom Delay wouldn't be allowed within 10 yards of an ATM, let alone having a seat on the Appropriations committee.

I've said it before, and I'm gonna keep on saying it: Republicans. legalizing organized crime and money laundering for nearly thirty years.

How about this: Republicans. We prosecuted the Gambinos because we can't tolerate competition.

ALMOST IMMEDIATE UPDATE: Delay has also been placed on the subcommittee overseeing the Abramoff INvestigation

...which, of course, is tied to - DELAY!!!!

Fucking A. Shameless? Hypocrites? Power Whores? I can't even come up with the defamatory terms. It's like they intend to overwhelm any potential disagreements by making any opponents heads explode in ghastly disbelief.

Someone help me out here. Give me some insulting names for Tommy and his gang.


  1. Incompetent Imbeciles
    Blithering Bumpkins
    Caterwauling Clods
    Deplorable Dunderheads
    Malicious Morons
    Dottering Dunderheads
    Mediocre Medical Misfits
    Parsimonious Puppets
    Bumptious Braggarts
    Pusillanimous Pip-squeaks
    Sanctimonious Sellouts
    Treasonous Tyrants
    Misguided Morons
    Know-nothing Numskulls
    Jabbering Jackanapes

    -apologies to Dr. Smith

  2. you, my friend, are totally getting an NSA wiretap.

    Thanks tho. I'm keeping those handy.
