Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Won't Get Fooled Again

Posted without comment at Billmon's Whiskey Bar:

A summation of the rightwing pundits, including my Ol Buddy Cal Thomas, extolling the need and virtues of trusting GWB in his selection of Harriet “Ozzy” Miers.

Hahahhahahahahahahahahaahhh! ha!

wait. let's look at that again:


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahheeheee hee hee hee hee hooooooooo. heh.

And here I though irony was dead; I guess poetic justice was revived by Tom DeLay, because nothing.... NOTHING...... could be sweeter than the cream of the Wingnuts being forced to resort to TRUST in the man who has betrayed any trust the American People and other Nations of the World have ever put in them. He has violated every trust he's ever held: to stockholders, to fellow National Guard members who served their duties, to Armed Services members who fulfilled their obligations in Vietnam and Iraq. To firefighters in New York. To baseball fans in Texas. To college students in Yale and Harvard and others who are there by dint of talent and abilities, not bloodlines. To his Father. To Congress who thought he would use the cudgel they put in his hand to restrain Saddam Hussein, not to beat the entire neighborhood to a pulp. To Alberto Gonzales. To the policemen. To the CIA. And now, finally to the religious right and red-meat Republicans.

As I've said before, and as Digby has put it so brutally and truthfully, George W Bush does not give two shits about ideology, or about America, or about anything further than the G and H in his name; Karl rove maneuvered him into position by appealing to his self-interest, and in the sole pursuit of permanent political power. Since cases involving Rove, Abramoff, and other BushBuddies will be coming up, it was necessary to install sinecures into the most powerful deliberative body in the country to protect the sources of that permanent power.

It's frightening at its core, because it may be a turning point in America; turning either into a continued democratic republic, committed to individual liberty and opportunities, or a rigid, repressive, religiously dominated police state run for corporate benefit where citizens live at the pleasure of a small ruling elite. It's like towards the end of a game of Risk, where you must decide whether to extend yourself to the limit, possibly overextending yourself and leaving yourself vulnerable, to dominate a landmass or eliminate an opponent: the question now becomes, have the Rovenauts overextended themselves?

But Cal Thomas being forced to rely on Trust In Bush, now that's good funny.

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